Sore throats make me a sore loser. I can focus on nothing else when my throat hurts. Y’all came through with tons of great sore throat remedies.
Gargle with warm salt water. Local honey. Oldies but goodies.
Cepacol drops. Put them in hot tea and they melt!
The Wellness Formula.
Tea with honey and chloroseptic spray.
Bee Propolis spray.
Liquid Advil.
Medicine Ball from Starbucks, which I wrote all about in this Starbucks Ordering post!
600MG of Motrin.
Apple cider with 1-2 tbsp apple cider vinegar and honey.
Gargle colloidal silver.
Gargle hydrogen peroxide. The more I type gargle, the more I start to truly dislike the word.
Fire Cider.
Oregano oil, chased with honey.