Paige and Jeni’s Reality Report

Paige: Greetings! The Reality Report is the place where you can catch up on our lives and see what we have been up to. Last time I checked I believe that 17 people care, so thanks!

Jeni and I were invited to the exclusive Reward Style Conference and couldn’t have been more shocked and excited. Well, thanks a lot Covid for ruining the networking, parties and events. We were still happy to get to do the conference online and the info was really helpful.

Now that y’all have been somewhat introduced to my boyfriend, let’s call him Miggle, I can show some of our fun dates!

He was here visiting in late august and we went to Rainbow Vomit. I didn’t even know what this was, but he found it online and thought it looked fun. Miggle likes taking pictures about as much as I do, like for real for real, and this was the perfect place to take an obnoxious amount.

Exhibit A through X below.

The top left dude was a Willy Wonka type gentleman that ran the place and gave us some laughs.

Before Rainbow Vomit, we went to the grassy knoll where JFK was shot. I had never actually gone to see it and had just driven by so it was cool for me to be a Dallas tourist too.

It would basically be a crime if I didn’t tell you about this restaurant.

Pizza Lounge. Remember this.

We both freaked out over how good the Un-humus was and it was featured in the Dallas Morning News. As it should be. If you decide to hit up Rainbow Vomit, go here too.

I was honored to be asked to photograph a very special kid’s coming home from the hospital parade with my friend Arden. Cline had a rollercoaster of a battle with Leukemia, two bone marrow transplants and way more than any kid should have to bear. The homecoming wasn’t under the circumstances that we had all hoped and prayed for, but joy and energy filled the streets as our rock solid community rallied around this precious family.

“On August 23, we left behind a transplant floor full of new friends who’d become like family, all gutted that our son’s most noble fight was ending in what appeared to be a quick relapse.” -Elena McMurry (Cline’s incredible mom who I met through our kid’s school)

Cline has since received the jaw dropping news that after this devastating relapse, he was showing zero evidence of disease!! A sigh of relief was heard all over the world. His family and team of doctors are in disbelief and Cline’s unexpected recovery can only be described as miraculous.

Please join Jeni and I in continued prayer for Elena, Cliff, Carmen, Cline, Millie and all who are involved with Cline’s recovery. Pray for no recurrence of disease and a long, healthy life for Cline!

Miggle and I headed out to the Fairmont Mayakoba and had the best vacation! I’m going to write all about that soon, but I highly recommend. They had so many Covid procedures in place and the hotel was only at 30% capacity. I was very impressed with their safety measures!

Lots of chill time with the kids was in order after a few days away. I try to keep a good balance of downtime at home and little adventures with them. They really love both and after all the quarantine and virtual learning, getting out seems like a bigger to do than it used to. Slowly on boarding back into real life.

Gelato at Amorino and Bowling at Pinstripes the next day. Good stuff. The older they get, the more genuine fun we have together. Hearing Blake’s clever one liners, Kylie’s commentary and Aven’s goofy statements make for a very entertaining time.

I had quite a few parent school meetings on zoom and felt decently prepared for the upcoming school year to finally start. I had two that started face to face and two that are STILL virtual.

Business has picked back up for me, I’m still only bringing in about half of what I’m used to though. I’m very thankful for my clients and I can see that I’m well on my way back to my usual workload and earnings. Hootie hoo!

I was able to squeeze in one more trip to see Miggle in Santa Monica while Zach had the kids and as soon as I got back, it was school prep and finally a routine.

In California it’s always a lot of relaxing, some work, too much food. Miggle makes some seriously good eggplant parm with his Sicilian little self.

Malibu is stunning and we explored around there one day.

That. View.

You know what I’m sayin? Beach is good too.

And yes, he wears brightly colored wacky things, most of which I love. Some certain looks that will remain nameless are less lovable. If you can imagine my energetic, goofy, jokester, weird self as a dude, it’s him.

Ahhhh yes. The light ocean breeze. I mean sheesh, how did my weave survive that ish?!

More eating. More drinking. More QR code scanning.

Some cannon in his hometown that he probably has 9845720934563987 pictures on.

Are you hungry?


Me either.

Let’s get In N Out.


Bye California! Now let me go home and detox my clogged arteries.

I had to include this picture. When I spotted him, which was extremely easy, I couldn’t help but notice that yes, he is draped in a trump flag, yes he has on a MAGA hat, but let’s take a look and marvel at the artwork on his face mask. TRUMP 2020 (TROMP?) in elementary school style bubble letters. This mask really needs to be mass produced. #OOTD

And now for the day many of us weren’t so sure we would ever see again…

The first day of school was a bit strange with two kids at home needing help with Google Classrooms, laptops and figuring out what the heck was going on. Not a fan. But, first world problems, I’m just glad they are going back in a couple of weeks in person. The two that started face to face school were next level happy to be back and see their friends and teachers. So far no problems at G’s school and B has to do virtual learning this week because of a teacher that tested positive for Covid.

New school year means new shoes…

Ok so two of these are mine (thx Miggle!) but Kylie in these high tops is complete cute overload!

Air Force 1s

A fresh fade, turning in school work every Friday for the virtual kids, an almost daily Starbucks request, new blue light glasses, a lost tooth and some snuggles where we can fit them in.

What feels like daily trips to the dance studio for K and A…

And for the mamas…

Botox, BFF breakfast chats ( shout out to the most delicious Snooze A.M. Eatery) , trying to fix my neck pain with one of my many gadgets and tried some metallic gel on my nails. The metallic gel caused quite a stir at the nail place. Almost every tech came over and looked and spoke hopefully very kind words about my choice, but I’ll never know.

But wait. There’s more.

He came back to TX to see his zany girlfriend and I immediately had to text one of my besties, Allison, to tell her that he ordered what we have always ordered. Cheese enchilada with queso on top. Basically a cheese log.

She replied to my text with


Followed by “his tie is interesting, I need to see the whole get up.”

He goes into a full pose shamelessly in the middle of the restaurant, because LA boy and because HDGAF. Both things I adore about him as well as his unique style.

Upon receiving the Zoolander image she replies, “Pulls it off”

We walked to Press Cafe, which is one of my favorites and when he wanted to walk over to Clearfork to shop afterwards, I took one look at how far it seemed and vetoed that. It’s no thing for him to walk my ass around Santa Monica for miles and miles and hours and hours, blisters happen, backs get tired, exhaustion sets in. Around these parts, we just drive, hence the obesity epidemic.

Remember that mid century modern beauty that I had under contract? It wasn’t a long term relationship and she broke my heart and kicked my dreams in the nuts. The inspection showed too many red flags and I was worried about constant repairs on the cutest money pit ever, so I cancelled the contract. Part of me wanted to just punish myself and take my terrible odds and go for it, but I had way too many wiser, smarter, less impulsive people I trust advise me to bail.

Please allow me to take a moment of silence to think about what could have been.

Also pour out a little liquor.

Thank you.

For those of you who asked on instagram DMs, no my brown house hasn’t sold yet. First Bank and Trust of Dad was going to bridge the gap until it sold and I could pay him back. My dad has been very successful in business and I owe my entrepreneurial spirit to him. As he offered cash for the house he told me for the umpteen millionth time that “cash is king” and to “pay yourself first” point taken, again. Haha, love you dad!!!!

We went out to Atico with Alana (yep Alana Kay Art Alana) and her husband. Food was great, the rooftop vibe was great and we had so much fun!

The last thing I have to report here, aside from looking at high rises in Dallas with Miggle, is going to Piranha in downtown with my cousin Brooklyn and my former nanny/assistant Emily. I would get into the high rise stuff but holy crap, it’s almost 10pm and I’m whipped. Brooklyn lived with me for a while after she graduated from college and we are so close. We all had a hilarious time together and ate $200 worth of sushi. Have you had the Latino Roll?! It’s easy to rack up a big bill when the martinis and sushi are that good.


That about sums it up from the last Reality Report. If you made it this far you have earned a trophy emoji from me.


This is our second edition of the reality report and every time I sit down to write this thing I think I’m recapping the last week or so and then Paige has a novel. I am boring. I do laundry and dishes on repeat. Excuse me while I go look at my camera roll and come up with some super exciting material.

Sports are back. This takes up the majority of our weekends. Jackson is currently playing AA baseball, Presley is in her 5th year of soccer, and Hayes is trying out jujitsu and loving it. Go sports!

Last week I hosted our fall “scarf exchange” with my McKinney crew. Its the best tradition where everyone brings something fun and fall-ish (it used to just be scarfs, now anything goes). Everyone draws a number, gifts can be stolen twice and none of us play nice.

I wanted my porch to look festive for the occasion so I headed to Calloways and dropped a small fortune. Look how cute though. Hoping these Texas temps don’t turn my pumpkins to mush before the end of October.

I made these individual chicken pot pies and they were delish.

Make a double bath and freeze the filling…you’ll be glad you did.

and just to be a little extra I bought these pie cutters in various shapes of fall leaves. I was pretty dang impressed with myself and this culinary masterpiece.

And this salad which was also a hit! Like seriously, make this.

Pro Tip: Head to Trader Joes and buy their apple cider. Spike it with Fireball and thank me later. I could sip on this all winter long. s’good.

These girls. Gosh, we’ve been through a lot together. I love them something fierce. I’m not sure what I’ve done so right in my life to deserve such good girlfriends but I definitely do not take it for granted. I am drawn to people who are real and raw and show all sides of life, not just the pretty ones. We’ve stuck by each other (well most of us) in the not so pretty parts of life and that is where true friendship grows. We all need that right? Life is hard, girlfriends make it sweeter for sure.

It was hair day last week and my girl, Whitney at Von Anthony Salon never disappoints. I told her I wanted to add some low lights and tone down the blonde a little. I contemplated chopping my hair bc of some unfortunate breakage on the sides and in the end she talked me into extensions.

I sent Paige this pic and was like whoa. She begged me to not cut it and told me I looked 18.

I cut it. It still super long though. Whitney wants me to live with it for a week and come back Thursday to cut more if I still want to.

I am still getting used to them and my white girl weave itches like a mother but PW keeps telling me I’ll get used to it. Time will tell.

Erin and I have been killing it a pilates. The goal is three times a week and we have been pretty dang consistent. I am proud of us and I definitely feel a lot better. Especially in my granny hips….more on that this week when we talk more about our workout routines. PW and I both have some major issues with our dang PSOS. If you don’t know what this means consider yourself #blessed.

Yesterday was 7 years since I said YES to this man. Definitely my best yes and I would say it all over again. To read a little more about our love story click here.

I think that’s all I’ve got for now. Such riveting blog content, I know. But really, thanks for reading along…we love you guys! Truly!