Easter basket ideas

The countdown to Easter is on! Don’t be left scrambling a couple of days before for Easter basket goodies. If you already have an Easter basket for your kids that you love, then skip on down to the boy and girl fillers below. If not, scroll through and pick one!

For the girls…

  1. Unicorn Sidewalk Chalk: All the purple and pink! These are covered in glitter and Yoobi donates an item to a child for every item purchased.
  2. Watering Can: My kids have always loved playing with these. Watering flowers, in the sand box, in the bath tub, wherever!
  3. Mad Libs: Easter Eggstavaganza version! My girls were doing mad libs yesterday and cracking up so hard!
  4. If I were a bunny…: Cutest board book with lots to touch.
  5. Easter egg Decorator: The egg spins around so that all you have to do is hold one of the 8 colorful markers up to it. A fun and different way to dye eggs.
  6. Light Up Jump Rope: With color changing mode and flashing mode, this jump rope is far more fun the boring regular kind.
  7. Cat Sunglasses: Rainbow mirrored lenses, meeeeow!
  8. Gel Pen Coloring Kit: A great option for the older girls who still like to color and doodle, but don’t want a babyish coloring book.
  9. Rainbow Bird: I love adding a stuffed animal to the kid’s baskets. We have lots of them already, but they love them so much and the look so cute in the basket!
  10. Scruff-a-Luvs: The idea here is that you found an abandoned bunny or chick and it needs help! SOS! When you open the package it is a heap of matted fur, but once they have been bathed, dried and brushed they become far cuter. My girls love these and the special edition bunnies are a great option for Easter.
  11. Lip Smacker Coca-Cola: These flavors are so great! “hey mom, can I have a coke?” “No, go put on the coke lip balm instead. k thanks.”
  12. Chocolate Bunicorn: Jazz up the standard chocolate bunny, with a bunicorn.
  13. Acrylic Bunny: Stuffed with rainbow gumballs from Dylan’s Candy Bar!
  14. Scrunchy 6 pack: You will likely find yourself stealing these as well.
  15. Tic-Tac-Toe Game: Easter theme and would be great to take in the car on on a trip.
  16. Squishy Egg Fillers: I love candy like a fat kid loves cake, but the thought of every single Easter egg being filled with candy is enough to make even me concerned. This 24 pack of squishies are a great alternative and will be a fun surprise!
  17. Scribble Scrubbie: Color the pets, wash them off in the little shower and then do it all over again. Won the Good Housekeeping best toy award.
  18. Wubble: Fuzzy stuffed animals stuffed with a wubble ball!
  19. Squirtie Bath Toys: Set of 6 ballet party animals. Precious!

For the boys…

  1. Hot Wheels: Always a good idea for every boy no matter their age.
  2. Uno Flip: This double sided deck gives a new twist to an old favorite.
  3. Voice Changer: Boys like weird stuff and this falls into that category. Sure to be an annoying hit.
  4. Yo-Yo: Classic.
  5. Fortnite Nerf Gun: Inspired by the Fortnite blaster this nerf gun is sure to be a hit.
  6. Bunny Farts: Cotton Candy! Ha!
  7. Spot It: A fun and quick game that we love to play as a family.
  8. Little Blue Truck: Springtime edition. These books are the cutest.
  9. Kazoo: You may regret this purchase but they are sure to love making some sweet tunes with this bad boy.
  10. Binoculars: A boy fav.
  11. Dinosaur Projector: My boys would love playing with this projector/flashlight while laying in bed at night.
  12. Paint a Race-car: Fun little craft for your race car obsessed little dude.
  13. Nerf Football: My oldest loves taking these to school for recess.
  14. Walkie Talkies: Another favorite in the Mourton home. I even send them with one while they are playing in the front yard so I can keep tabs on them.
  15. Personalized Name Puzzle: Perfect for the little one that is learning how to write their name.
  16. Bunny Snot:Putty that has the word snot in it. Boys.
  17. Construction Worker: My littlest LOVES costumes. This one is too cute.
  18. Pull Back Cars: Construction themed cars that come with a board book. I can hear all of the boy noises now. Vvvvvroooooom.
  19. Easter Legos: How fun is the egg hunt scene?! Legos never disapoint.

Don’t forget the candy! Keep in mind, this is prime time to steal candy and start a little underwear drawer stash of your own. Choose wisely.