I like to keep things simple, otherwise I know I’ll fail. I am not an enneagram 3 like my bestie, Paige. I’m a 6 and I get tired. Things that will not be included in this list: me working out a certain number of times a week or reading my bible everyday. It just doesn’t happen. Not that I don’t want it to, I would love that…but I know myself too well.
Last year I took what I thought was a silly online quiz titled Your Word of The Year. I answered some questions, pushed enter and bam…my word was LOVE. I thought about what that meant to me. I thought about my own shortcomings. I knew I could show the people around me more love…so it stuck. It’s never fun to take a good, hard look at yourself and the things that you would like to change. I’ve struggled for most of my adult life with being judgemental. It’s not something I like about myself. It’s definitely an area I wanted to improve. It can be something as simple as why would (insert husbands name) load the dishwasher this way?! My way (in my head) seemed to make more sense. It can come across as arrogant and just plain bitchy and those are two things I know I am not at my core. So I set out to change some things. I came back to this word over and over throughout the year. And not to pat myself on the back or anything but I think I made some progress. So now, word of the year is a thing for me.
This year Nick and I sat at a table during a date night and took the test together. I answered the questions and bam…my word was REST. Bahahahaha, that is laughable. I have a 3 year old, an elementary student and a middle schooler. A husband that owns his own business and we are building a home. Rest isn’t happening. I went home that night and thought about myself and this word. I thrive on peace. If/when there is chaos it really affects me. Trust is something I struggle with. I began to dig a little deeper into spiritual rest and this popped up.

And there you have it. This spoke to my soul. I feel like this year is going to be a big one for me and Jesus. I am starting a class in a few weeks at church that pretty much scares the crap out of me. But I am going to lean in and REST in Him.
If you want to take the same quiz you can click here. If you have a word of the year I’d love to hear what it is in the comments.
Even weenie goals sound lofty right now. My future is uncertain. All of our futures are uncertain, but mine is terrifyingly shaky. Life as I knew it changed quickly and without warning. I came into 2020 as broken as I have ever been and with a little less pep in my still swagger AF step. My relationship is in a tricky place, we have made enormous strides and earth shattering discoveries through individual therapy sessions. Shout out Mary Bennett!
That being said, my first goal is…
- Working on personal growth and marriage repair. I love personal growth stuff. If I have a spare minute I’m researching something or learning something new to become a better person or get more depth. Therapy is actually super fun, I feel like it’s just shooting the sh*t with a bff, highly recommend. Marriage repair has begun, but that starts with healthy individuals, so that is step 1.
- My reoccurring life struggle theme: work/life balance. It’s hard when you have to switch between mom stuff and work stuff off and on all day. It gets all twisted. Productivity gets slowed because I want to do everything my kids ask me to do, and then I look up and it’s time for bed and I didn’t finish my daily to do list. I am cutting off work every night for a 2-3 hour window to do strictly family things and not just a mixture of all of it all the time. So far, so good.
- I would love to get my house featured in a magazine of some sort.
- Taking another bucket list trip with Jeni. Suggestions appreciated.
- Continue to be true to myself, remain authentic, make real connections, embrace those that love and understand my sometimes misunderstood weirdo self and be always moving toward happiness and fulfillment.
- Play my banjo a few times a week. Don’t ask. Just trust.
I have never entered into a year more scared. Well actually I think Y2K had me thinking the world would run out of power and I might starve or perish some other way. That was nerve wracking, so I just drank a lot of whatever high schoolers drink and saw that nothing changed, everyone went about their business and the anxiety and doomsday prep was all for nothing. Let us all keep that in mind when we enter the unknown, people filled up there bathtubs with water, gathered an obscene amount of canned goods and loaded their guns for nothing.
Let’s rock this mofo and give it all we’ve got. Life is for living and I am ready for the ride!
Apparently you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. Shop some cute options below and let’s make it happen in 2020.

My word was bloom. so crazy because last month in one of my college classes, my professor was giving us advice for the next few months as some of us move on to graduate from college, etc. and his main piece of advice was to “Bloom where you are planted”. Allow yourself to be fully engaged and grow exactly where you are without trying to make your circumstances or situations different. god placed you where you are for a reason and it is our job to be present there and grow. he has a purpose. just as a flower blooms in the pot its planted or the ground it is placed in, we are to grow in that same way following him. ♡
Bucket list trip ideas: Japan! Switzerland. paris. cinque terre in italy. vietnam. so many places!!
jeni! I love that quiz. My word is stand. Speaks me so loudly. Thank you for sharing. Paige, marriage repair is no joke. BeeN there. You are not alone. Im here if you need me. ❤️❤️