We Thought You’d Never Ask! | Volume 8

It’s been a minute since we have answered these questions in blog format and not on a video. When we polled and asked what y’all prefer, it was half video and half blog so I suppose we will alternate.

Who is your favorite podcaster?

PW: I like all the crime ones. Check out this post to see a list of my top podcast picks.

JM: I haven’t really gotten into the whole podcast thing. Can someone give me a good one to start?! I’m not big on true crime or anything that adds to my anxiety.

Any more kids?

PW: No. Well, I guess anything could happen. I’m not on any type of birth control, but my body is restored to it’s 20 year old self and I would be a smidge overwhelmed with a 5th baby. So let’s stick with no.

JM: Nope. Snipping occurred but a certain someone never went to his follow up appointment so let’s just hope we are in the clear.

What is the best treatment to get rid of cellulite?

PW: I don’t struggle too much with cellulite, but I’ve only been able to tone it down with dieting and fat loss. I haven’t noticed any kind of a difference with all of those miracle cellulite cream products.

JM: I once read that preparation h (the hemorrhoid medicine) would smooth out cellulite. I’ve never tried it but maybe its true?! My booty is the problem area for me and the only thing that I’ve noticed that works is actually working out…which is my least favorite soooo I’m probably gonna have cellulite. Oh well.

You recommended a product in the past for melasma. Can you let us know what it was again?

JM: YES! for me it was a combo of IPL treatments, serums, retinoids, lightening cream and the sunscreen below. Be consistent and it works. Melasma is a B to get rid of. Check out my forehead in the very unflattering picture of me below.

Do you know any of the RHOD? Thoughts on them?

PW: I do not. I watched the first season and then lost interest, typical Paige move. The only housewives franchise I just can’t quit is OC. But looky looky! We met Leeanne Locken at a premier we got invited to.

JM: I knew Cary. Kinda. Dr. Dueber was my plastic surgeon before they ever appeared on RHOD. She was my nurse and helped me through pre-op and was SUPER sweet and fun.

How’s the new house?! When does Jeni move in?

PW: It’s stunning and everything I hoped it would be when I started meticulously designing this beast almost two years ago. I’ll be doing a big post with all the final pictures before we moved all of our junk in.

JM: Good question. Waiting, semi-patiently. Soon. I hope.

WHY don’t you guys have a podcast?

PW: Jeni asked me if I wanted to do one the other day. I said yes, but it’s on you to figure out how. I can’t take on another major project right now however, I will gladly participate and bring my A game.

JM: If I have to figure it out then don’t hold your breath. We had so much fun as guest on one so can we just be your guests if you have a podcast? K thanks.

Jeni, why did your first marriage end?

JM: Well, my kids don’t really know the details of that and even if they did I think I’d still go ahead and pass on this one.

Paige, how are your kids handling the situation with you and Zach?

PW: They get very stressed when I cry, so I try to keep that to myself. Before this situation, they had seen me cry maybe 2 or 3 times total. It’s been a shock and breaks me to see them upset by me being emotional. I’ve been the rock for so long and sometimes the rock just can’t. Except for Dwayne The Rock Johnson, he always can. I talk to them openly and honestly about possible scenarios and walk them through to worst case scenario if they are feeling anxious. When we talk it through and I address all of their concerns they are relieved. Sometimes the anticipation and the unknown is far worse than the actual event that could take place.

Did Zach move into the new house with you?

PW: Of course! This a large house and we don’t dislike each other so it’s no problem!

How did you ladies meet?

PW: I wrote all about that on the It’s Nice to Meet You post. Take a look!

JM: See above. We were just meant to be.

Have you ever been a brunette?

PW: Yes. You’ve seen my roots probably. I am not even trying to pretend like I’m a natural blonde. I started highlighting my hair in 9th grade, but it was very subtle. Over time I got blonder and blonder and I like where it is now.

Flashback to 8th grade for a natural hair color awkward phase Paige.

JM: Natural blonde here. I get it highlighted but its always been pretty light.

What has been the thing that surprised you most when building your houses?

PW: The cost of things. I feel like I made really sensible selections mixed in with only a few splurges and still blew the budget.

JM: How freaking long it takes.

What was your hardest change when it came to number of kids?

PW: From 0-1 I nearly croaked. I got purposely pregnant at 24, had Blake at 25 and was like WHOA. The sleep deprivation and having to be in charge of someone 100% of the time was world rocking. No one and nothing can prepare you. 1-2 was also dreadful. Nursing one around the clock with a 21 month old with sensory processing disorder was just delightful. If Kylie cried, Blake had an all out meltdown. I don’t know how I made it through. Aven and Griffin were easy to throw in the mix at least. I paid my dues early.

JM: Without a doubt 0-1. Hardest thing EVER. I was a selfish 26 year old. Add in postpartum & marriage struggles and it was a dark time. Adding a second was no big deal and going from 2-3 was even easier. I mean, lets be real…none of it is EASY but I already had a groove after Jackson and the others fell into the groove rather easily.

Are you anxious moving into your house when the future of your marriage is so uncertain?

PW: I’m anxious about everything right now. I’ve been diagnosed with situational depression and adjustment disorder. Thankfully both will go away with time, but good Lord I don’t wish this stress and trauma on anyone. And to think that about half of first marriages, 60% of second and 73% of third don’t make it until death do them part, a lot of people experience the sadness and pain. If that is you, I am sorry, I get it, I see you, I feel it with you. It hurts to change.

Thinking of you Paige! Do you think you’ll share any updates or more info?

PW: Thank you! Yes, I will continue to share my life and my heart and my truth, just when the time is right.

Did you get Pierre moved to the new house?

PW: Oh yes he did. Brace yourself for this video, I’m not sure I’ve ever gotten so many DMs ha!

Can you do a blog post about skin cancer since you both have had it?

PW: Good idea! We are both really big on skin checks at the dermatologist and wearing sunscreen. I was diagnosed with stage 1a melanoma at 31 and had to have a large area excision surgery to remove it. The 10 year survival rate (because melanoma is super deadly) is 95% for my stage. The spot looked like a dark freckle patch and had not changed yet so I was shocked when I got the call. In the picture below, you can see the scar where I had it removed.

JM: I have had 3 basal cell spots removed. They are not a deadly type of skin cancer but still skin cancer nonetheless. Get your yearly skin checks people! It can save your life.

What are your favorite everyday bras?



How much did you budget for your new homes?

PW: We wanted to stay at 1.4m and we ended up at 1.6m. Custom build jobs have a way of sneaking up there in price.

JM: My husband is the actual builder so we lucked out and built our home at cost. We went over budget but the instant equity we have in our home is pretty amazing. It feels weird to me to give a number to it thought so, pass.

Would y’all ever do a styling post for the curvy/plus girls?

PW: Yes! We have a friend that wanted to do a guest post for the curvy girls and we need to get on that!

JM: Great idea! On it.

How do you keep your marriages alive?

PW: Ummmmmm. Pass.

JM: Make time for each other. Talk a lot. Have sex even when you may not feel like it (it usually ends up being great and you feel more connected), pray together. These are the things we do and while its not perfect its pretty great.

How often do you think married couples should have sex?

PW: My marriage has lasted 15 years, so I’ve learned a lot. Sex should be less of a check list item making sure you get your weekly swerve on and more of a true connection. It’s an energy that’s there or it’s not. I will never force myself to take one for the team again when I’m not feeling up to it. In a dream world, 3 times a week, in the real world once a week is about all that there was time for.

JM: I think it’s different for everyone but I know if we haven’t connected in that way it affects our relationship. With that being said we are in a busy season and tired most nights so there’s that. Hopefully once we get in the house it will be more often. Did you read that Nick? Get me in our house and we will have a lot more sex. πŸ˜‰

If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?

PW: I wish I could chill more. Making progress is my jam and it’s hard for me to take a break unless it’s scheduled in like a vacation or plans with friends. I’m being more present and aware and really really working on it. I’m working on myself right now more than ever and I can feel the change and growth. Between going to therapy 1-2 times a week, spiritual guidance, reading every book I can get my hands on, journaling, prayer, talking to people who have survived similar situations, listening to expert podcasts, forgiving those that have hurt me and taking things one day at a time, I will come out better than ever. Trust.

JM: I can be a bit of a pessimist and have a hard time trusting. I too am working on myself and have felt a huge improvement in this area within the last year or so. Where Paige trusts everyone it takes me a minute and you may have to prove you are trustworthy…but once you do, I will have your back forever.

Do/Will your kids have trust funds?

PW: Yes. With my father’s success and me and Zach’s they will be well taken care of. However, that doesn’t mean they will have access to any of it or even know it exists until a certain older age. I wouldn’t be half the business woman I am if I had a trust fund to fall back on. Spoiled rich kids are rarely as impressive as self made hustlers.

JM: Ummm my big kids probably will. Hayes you better go to college and get a good job. πŸ˜‰

Do y’all get botox?

PW: Have you met me? I need my face to look as young and my energy and soul feel haha. I’ve been botoxing since 28 or so. Read our botox blog here.

JM: Yes. Forehead, glabella (11’s or the lines between eyebrows) and every other time I do crows feet.

Yay or Nay to Trump?

PW: I wish I knew enough about politics to have a truly educated opinion. I’m sure there are a few things I could find to say yay about and certainly some to say nay about.

JM: Hmmm how do I answer this and not sound like a total idiot? I’m not into politics so I won’t pretend. I agree with some of his policies but his presentation makes me cringe.

How much do you guys make a month from blogging?

PW: It all depends on what we have going on. A great week would be $2,000 and a really low week would be $400. It is increasing with time and as we learn what y’all like and what people want to buy.

JM: What Paige said. The crappy thing is taxes. We have to budget a big ol chunk to pay those.

How did all of the McKinney bloggers/friend group meet?

JM: Sheaffer and I taught together in McKinney. She invited me to a bible study and that was that. I love those girls so dang much. They’ve been there for me at my worst and have accepted me for who I am….the wild one who loves Jesus, but has a potty mouth. We are all so different and that’s what makes it so great.

Thoughts on Elizabeth Warren dropping out of the race?

PW: I’m a girl power kinda chick and would love to see a female president. Like I mentioned above, politics aren’t really my thing so I have no insightful words.

JM: I’m all for girl power but I don’t agree with her policies….too far left for me. I’m sure she’s lovely though. πŸ˜‰

How do you guys balance all aspects of life being so busy and still look gorg?

PW: All the maintenance is a huge pain and time suck, but I love feeling like I look my best so I just deal. Lash extensions help me to look put together even when I’m not. I try and get a weekly spray tan which is automatic skinny and hot in a bottle. As far as getting up and getting dressed, I have so many casual looks that I love and I’m such a t shirt and sneakers girl that it’s pretty easy. I’m almost more willing to invest in my favorite pricey tees then I am nicer tops because I wear them most days.

JM: Most days I look the opposite of gorg. Leggings and no makeup are my jam and I’m ok with it. I don’t need to look hot while at soccer practice or in car line. I only get ready a few days a week but I totally agree with Paige on the eyelash extensions. I can have zero makeup on and feel a little more put together because of them.

How much is too high for an item before you have to ask your husband for permission?

PW: I probably would have asked if something was in the 2k plus range.

JM: I would probably ask if it was over $500

How has the moving process gone given everything you are going through?

PW: I have loved seeing this masterpiece of a home come together and I’m grateful to even get to live in it for a few months if that is the case. Not going to lie, it feels like a cruel sick plot twist to be in your dream home and not feel at home at all.

How many square feet are your new homes?

PW: 4584

JM: 6000

How much do you typically spend a month on yourself such as pampering and shopping?

PW: Probably a couple of thousand. Sometimes I shop way more depending on travel, work, events, etc. and sometimes I buy like two things. Nails, tan, hair, botox, lashes can add up quickly!

JM: I don’t shop as much as Paige. I’ve definitely stepped it up more since starting the blog. Mine varies so much that it is hard to put a number on it. Nick always says I am thrifty until I blow it out. I’ll go months without spending too much then decide I need a new handbag and bam there goes the budget.

Biggest secret you’ve kept during the past year?

PW: Ummmmmm. Again, pass. I have a couple I’ll keep with me forever. I’m an open book and honesty is my favorite, but some things are just for me.

JM: Don’t tell me secrets unless I KNOW its a secret. I am a really open person (in person…not so much on the internet) so if you don’t tell me something is a secret then I just assume its public knowledge. With that being said, I have definitely kept some secrets this year! And my lips are sealed.

How did your relationship work when Jeni had a different husband because you seem to gel now so much?

PW: Jeni and Ben were one of our favorite couple friends! It was really hard to lose that fun relationship. I seriously love everyone though, so it was easy to be friends with Ben and Ashleigh and Jeni and Nick after they both got remarried. I would like to think I gel with most and Jeni is my twin soul, so my love will always be huge for her. As her life has evolved I have loved having a front row seat and supporting her! Don’t forget that Nick and Jeni were together in college, so I had a history with them too. It kind of just felt like old times when they reunited.

JM: It seemed very natural and never forced. Zach and Nick are a lot alike so that was an easy friendship. I’ve had similar thoughts of what will it be like if Paige moves on so I understand now how this was difficult for her. Change is hard but it always seems to work out and really we just want our friends to be happy, right?!

Do your kids go to private school?

PW: My oldest daughter does for dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and ADHD. It’s such an amazing place for her and we are fortunate to have that nearby and be able to afford it! You can read about Blake overcoming her learning differences here.

JM: My big kids do. Not sure yet if Hayes will or not but my hope is that they will all be at the same school one day.

Do you eat out a lot or cook?

PW: Both. Lately I have been eating out so much that I’m starting to feel permabloated. Normally I cook (or Emily or Zach cooks) Home Chef. If you want to see our Home Chef review, you can read it here!

JM: Both. I try to cook a few times a week. I don’t love cooking or feel like I’m great at it but I do it. Some nights with sports its just easier to drive thru and grab a burger, everyone is happy and my kitchen stays clean. Those nights are my favorite.

What does Jeni’s ex do for a living that allows for the extravagant travels?

PW: Just for reference and interesting information purposes, Zach works for Ben and has for many years!

JM: Construction.

How much was your commissioned art? I would love to do that.

PW: This was my first time to invest in art. It’s expensive and huge and was about $6,000. Alana Kay Art has lots of much more affordable stuff on her site!

Share with us what you both eat in a day to stay so trim!

PW: I’m just going to ignore my hideous eating habits of the last couple of months. With packing and moving, there has been very little normalcy and very little cooking at home. I try to not eat until 10 or 11 and I eat something small like a bar. I’ll eat again a few hours later, again something pretty small like cheese and crackers and usually a Red Bull. Guilty pleasure. Then for dinner, as long as I eat by around 5 or 6 and not have huge unhealthy portions, I stay small. It’s my attempt at intermittent fasting and I don’t do it everyday, but I do when I can.

JM: I don’t really think much about what I eat. There is no daily routine. I start out with coffee. I like all types of food and try to be healthy where I can but I definitely do not restrict myself.

Do you and your hubs have separate bank accounts?

PW: Zach and I met when I was 20 and we grew into adulthood together. We got engaged when I was a senior in college and got married the November after I graduated. We started after college life together and each kept our own bank accounts and opened one together. We still have that same set up. To be honest, I haven’t even glanced at our bank accounts in years. I just make money and he takes it and does whatever with it. I have a lot to learn ha!

I’m dating right now and looking to get married. What advice would you give your dating self?

PW: This question hits hard right now. I didn’t date a ton before I met Zach, I had two serious boyfriends before him and a very small single window in college. I would tell myself to date a ton to get to know what kind of guy that would be the best fit for a lifetime. Not just be a safe choice, but would challenge me, make me feel like I was the best thing that had ever happened to him, lift me up and be proud to say, “she’s a little wild, but that’s my girl!” If you have second thoughts, listen to that. Those thoughts will only grow and grow over time. I would 100% suggest not just premarital counseling, but continue with therapy throughout the marriage. I can not even tell you how many woman have reached out and are so miserable in their marriages but don’t have the financial means or confidence to let the relationship go. Don’t try and make one person your everything, keep your independence and evolve together, not grow apart. Put time into your relationship, this means alone time at least a couple of times a month, even when there are demanding kids. If you don’t feel that mind, body and soul connection, it’s not going to go the distance.

JM: Date long enough to REALLY get to know someone. Long enough to go through some stuff together and be able to see all sides of that person. For me, trust was key. I needed someone who would be a partner in every aspect of life. Life is hard and you want someone who will stick by your side in the valleys.

Do you wear socks with your golden goose? If so, recommendation? If not, how?

PW: Yes I do. I like no show socks, but most of them slip off my heel and piss me right off. These are the best I have found.

JM: I do not. The no-show socks always slip off and annoy the crap out of me so sock-less I go even in tennis shoes.

How are you able to decorate and get “into” the house if you might be divorcing?

PW: Well, since the other house hasn’t sold there is $0 left for decorating anyway. I think Zach will live here either way for a few years until we can at least make our money back on it and I will gladly decorate and get it set up nice for him.

Did you struggle to get knocked up?

PW: We wrote all about that here! Go read!

JM: See above.

Well that was fun! Thanks for reading along. To check out one of our first readers questions click here.