If you named your kids something different, what would the names be?
Paige: Something original, not on the top 50 names list, but not too wild either. Also, nothing traditional. So basically, I don’t know and I never want to think about kid names again. #vasectomypleasedontfail
Jeni: I like traditional. I like when names mean something. If I can use a name after a grandparent or family member that’s an added bonus. I tend to go for Southern names but like Paige said I haven’t thought about this in a very long time and hope I never have to again. #prayingoverthevasectomy
How much does the blog stats/income effect your shopping habits and budget?
Paige: I shop more often now than I did before the blog. I used to wait long periods of time before large shopping sprees, now I just buy a little here and there and really watch for sales. The blog income helps even out the shopping costs and we have to keep up with the latest stuff to show our blog reader friends. We also have to make sure it’s linkable so that it can actually be purchased easily if someone really wants something. It’s more to keep up with than I ever thought it would be when we started. But isn’t everything?
Jeni: I shop less than Paige but more than I did before. The blog definitely affects my spending. Nick has never made me feel like I can’t spend money but it helps to feel like I’m contributing to the pot a little.

How old are you both? Are you Mormon?
Paige: 37. I am not a Mormon, I do know lots of super nice Mormons though. I just can’t get on board with all of their beliefs.
Jeni: 38, I am a Christian.
How much do you make when someone uses one of your links to purchase an item?
Paige: It would be nice if every retailer would get with the 10% plus commission rate. That is far from the case. 10% is considered really great and some are only 1%. It all adds up though and makes it possible for us to keep on going!
Jeni: It varies. Some stores commissions are higher than others. Amazon and Target blow. For example, the grey and white leopard sweater that I posted on Friday….well if you bought that we made a whopping 70 cents. Killing it!!!! But honestly, we appreciate every little bit, no matter how small.
I’m going to Exuma in a few weeks. Any tips?

Paige: You will want to see the piggies and absolutely splurge for the private tour like Jeni said. It was so nice to be the shot caller of the day and stay as long or not as long as we wanted at each place. If you haven’t watched any of the Fyre Festival documentaries, check those out before you go! Also read our blog post on our trip there!
Jeni: My tip is to spend the money on a private tour for the day. You will not regret it.
Best mom car recommendations?
Paige: Thinking back over my 12 years of motherhood, the cars that have been the easiest are the Escalade and the QX80. BMW X5 was fine for 2 kids, but if you have three it sucks. I could’t do a minivan, I’m way to vain and way to dang cool ok. I can’t even do a long body suburban or XL because those scream mom. I am a mom, I know this, but I don’t want to scream mom.

Jeni: I’ve had an Escalade for 7 years. I went from the regular to the extended version a few years back for more trunk space and it works great for us. I can easily fit 3 kids, occasional friends, sports junk, school junk, groceries, all the stuff.
That being said we rented a mini van on a trip in Florida one summer and I liked it way more than I ever thought I would. So many little conveniences, sliding doors, even a built in vacuum. I left that trip seriously contemplating trading my car in for one. My friends laughed and said I would never do it, in the end they know me better than I know myself sometimes.
How was it like dating with kids?
Paige: I have not. I was snagged up from the dating pool at 20 years old.
Jeni: Scary. Nick is the only guy I dated after divorce and if you’ve followed our story then you know that he was my boyfriend through college at Texas Tech. So I was going on a date with a guy that I had been on many dates with and I was still scared AF. I was a mom now, things were different. I wasn’t going to just settle or bring any man into their lives. The stakes were higher. I remember vividly walking into Eddy V’s in Dallas and feeling like I was doing something wrong. I had been married for 6 years, what if I saw someone who didn’t know I was divorced?! I had so many insecurities and truth be told I was in no position to start dating again. I had only been divorced for a few months at this point even though the divorce took close to a year, my heart was still hurting and the feelings were still raw. Nick (being basically the best guy there is) stuck with me from that night on. I was a rollercoaster and he was along for the ride. I’m so thankful for that.
Biggest regrets in life?
Paige: I don’t really think about or regret choices or chances I didn’t take. I’m very lucky that I make a decision with over confidence and don’t look back. I see friends and family members struggle with decision making and this is where I’m so happy to have the IDGAF it’s not that serious mindset. Even on things as big as having another baby or moving to a much more expensive house, if it’s not meant to be, it will all fall apart and not happen. Simple as that.
There are times I drank a few too many and did dumb stuff. Like the time I was arrested for a DWI at 19 years old. Sure wish they had uber back then. You live and learn and move on.
Jeni: I wish I would’ve taken school more seriously. I partied too much, studied too little. But dang it was fun.
Do you actually own all of the stuff you try on for Friday Tryday or do you return some?
Paige: I own almost everything I have tried on for the videos. Every now and then I will try on one thing and then decide it doesn’t have a spot in my closet and send it back. Most of the stuff that gets sent back never makes it to the Tryday videos.
Jeni: Most of it, yes. Some of it gets returned if I have something similar or I’m not in love with the fit.
Which one of you is older?
Paige: Not me!
Jeni: ugh.
PW – is your hair all natural or do you have extensions?
No shame in my weave game! I had really long hair before I got the tape ins, but now that I have them, I’m hooked. Kind of like eyelash extensions, my eyelashes are great, but extensions are greeeeaaaaaaat. I’m the realest fake girl you ever did see.
Below is my hair without extensions. It’s plenty long and thick and nice, but not nearly as full and healthy looking without the tape ins.

Tell us more about your faith!
Paige: I grew up going to church every now and then with my family. I hated it. I listened to zero things and got zero things out of it. This started a bad habit of not being stoked about any kind of organized religion which I still deal with today. At my core I am a Christian, really enjoy Bible studies by myself and like to learn about the Bible. I pray, I ask forgiveness and I try and learn from my zillions of shortcomings. I feel connected to God and the spirit world a lot, and as odd as it sounds, I’m communicated with through numbers, specifically 1s, 3s and 0s (google angel numbers if you find this as interesting as I do). Before you think I’m a weird Mrs. Cleo psychic type, I’m just really open minded and keep an open heart to communication with the other side. It’s easy to get cynical and it’s perfectly ok to have some disbelief, but as long as there is some faith, even as small as a mustard seed, it’s something to build on. It’s also not fair to compare your walk with Jesus with other’s. Mine is kindergarten level in comparison to many I know and I don’t care! He knows me, He meets me where I am and that’s all I need. As far as going to church, the whole organized thing can really make me feel out of place and ritualistic. This is me and you better believe on the mountain tops I praise God and in the valleys I cling to Him.
Jeni: I am a Christian and I love Jesus! Over the last few years my thoughts have changed some about religion and the church. I guess I would say that I am more biblical than religious. I 100% believe in every word of the Bible and try to live my life without sin the best that I can. I also think the church is a wonderful thing, but just as we are imperfect, so is the church.
I used to be a judgey Christian, the holier than thou kind that felt like I had it all together and knew better than others. Thats a hard thing to admit. Then I was on the receiving end on some of that judgement and my perspective shifted drastically. I lost a friend for not be “Christian enough”. Maybe I cussed too much, maybe I had one too many drinks on a Saturday night. While I understand that all of these things are sin, and I need to try to continually better myself… Christians who ACT perfect aren’t winning any cases for Christ in my opinion. The fact that we are human and screw up all the freaking time is what makes us need Jesus so much. Did that even answer the question? I have a lot of faith I just need to work on not rolling my eyes in church.
Why did Jeni get divorced?
Jeni: Well that’s a loaded question. I am going to do my best to answer this in the most PC way while still giving you some satisfaction. Ben and I got married at 25 & 26. He swept me off my feet very quickly. We were engaged within 3 months and married within 7. We both made a lot of mistakes.
My kids don’t even know the whole answer to this question so I’m not about to write a novel about it on the internet. Out of respect for them and our co-pareting relationship (which is super important to me) I’m going to leave it at that. Life is hard, marriage is hard, I am super thankful for the place we are at now. It didn’t happen overnight and its no where near perfect but it works.
What are your shoe sizes?
Paige: 7.5
Jeni: 8!
Can the Poche’s hang out with you soon?
Paige: Bring it on Poches!
Jeni: Heck yes…..We love the Poche’s!!!!
How do your kids get along with their siblings? How do you avoid comparing? (especially Paige’s girls)
Paige: Arguing is so annoying. I have one super bossy kid that tells everyone what to do. I have one sh*t stirrer who sneakily and quietly bothers everyone until they snap. My oldest keeps out of most of the arguing and my youngest whines a ton still. For the most part, they get along really well and I can’t complain too much about that! My girls are all so different, it’s hard to even compare! Really, they are nothing alike. I see them as individuals and know their strengths and areas that need improvement and parent them accordingly. Maybe if they were all similar personalities and all on the same cheer team, I would be comparing hard core. Thankfully they aren’t so it’s kind of easy.
Jeni: My boys get along really well. Jackson and Presley argue and fight and it’s a rare occasion when they are actually hanging out together and enjoying each other. Presley is great with Hayes and will bathe him and take care of him but also likes to try to discipline him like a tiny little mom.
How do you handle communicating with your kids while they are at their dad’s house?
Jeni: There isn’t much. My kids don’t have phones yet. They did have a Gizmo watch but now it’s lost. They sometimes FaceTime or text from iPads but we usually go weekends without any communication.
When did you start thinking about Botox and any specific worries about it?
Paige: Late 20s, probably 28 or 29, I can’t remember. I did forehead too and in between the grumpy eye brows. Now I do forehead, grumpy eyebrows, crows feet and bunny lines. Bunny lines never work on me though so I need to just stop trying to treat those. I don’t worry about it, I just happily do it and love the result.
Jeni: I think I was close to 30. I started with just forehead. I moved to forehead and glabella (in between eyebrows) a few years later. Now I do forehead, glabella, crows feet and bunny lines. Sigh.
What’s your advice to those who have just gotten married?
Paige: Laugh and joke and don’t stop flirting. Spend your weekends making memories and connecting because when there are kids you are effed and the whole game changes.
Jeni: Talk a lot and have a lot of sex.
Are you guys friends with each other’s hometown/church friends?
Paige: I love all of Jeni’s Mckinney buddies! I haven’t spent a ton of time with them, but when I have, it’s been great! She has met some of my Fort Worth girls and hit it off immediately. We are girl’s girls. Well, I’m kind of a guy’s girl too with my inappropriate jokes and goofy ways, but girl friends are life!
Jeni: Anyone who is a friend of Paige’s is a friend of mine. We are drawn the same types of people so if she likes you I know I will too.
Any upcoming facial treatments or procedures?
Paige: I think I might be doing a Halo again, so let’s see if my face blows up like a pleasant Franklin the turtle this time. Maybe it was a BBL laser (not to be confused with the Brazilian butt lift, I mean I have a small ass, but not even trying to go balloon butt) that we signed up for. IDK. Oh and of course regular botox maintenance every 3ish months.
Jeni: We have a BBL coming up in October. I love to do these in the fall.
How do you co-parent? Group text? How do you split custody and holidays?
Jeni: We have a group text, sometimes I just call Ben if it’s something important. If it’s stuff like “where is the football jersey” or “____ has this homework”, I just text Ashleigh. If there is something big going on we try to have a meeting with the four of us.
Custody is half time. We go by a 2-2-3 schedule right now. So two days on, two days off, three days on then switch. Holidays are split every other year except for Christmas where we split it in half and one of us gets Christmas Eve and the other Christmas Day. This way one parent isn’t missing both. We haven’t followed decree in years and we try to just do what we feel is best for the kids at that time.
Do you schedule sexy time with your hubby or just go with the flow?
Paige: I don’t so much schedule as I know when Zach is annoyed with my lack of saying an enthusiastic YES! Then I know to fit it in before he gets too irritated, y’all know how it is. Sometimes I’m all about it and sometimes I give a begrudging “ok whatever” and just quite literally take one for the team. Once a week seems to be the norm. I’m thankful he thinks I am the hottest girl in the world and lets me know, but damn a week goes by fast lol.
Jeni: I am a scheduler by nature so I would love a calendar invite but my hubby not so much. He wants spontaneity and for it to not feel like something to check off the list. I’d say we are a little bit of both.
It’s hard to co-parent! Tell me y’all aren’t always BFFs!
Jeni: We are not always BFFs. lol. It’s definitely a relationship that we all have to work at. It’s not the norm to be friendly towards your ex or their spouse. We’ve had our fair share of crazy arguments and yelling. Thankfully, we agree when it comes to the big stuff (religion, discipline, etc), so that makes it easier to stay on the same page. At the end of the day we all realize that a strong co-parenting relationship leads to a better environment for the kids.
Do we always agree with each other?!? NO! We are pretty different in a lot of ways but we CHOOSE to put those to the side for the sake of our kids, which is what is best for them.
How did y’all name your kids?
Paige: Blake Elizabeth is my husband Zach’s middle name and my middle name. Kylie Bryn was picked out of the blue. Aven Hartley is part cute and part family name, my mom’s maiden name is Hartley. Griffin Zachary is also part cute and part Zach’s name.
Jeni: Jackson Paul: Jackson from Steel Magnolias. Paul from Ben’s middle name, my dads middle name and Ben’s dads first name. Presley Grace: Presley we just liked, Grace after Ben’s grandmother. Hayes Michael: Hayes I was in love with for no particular reason except it was a strong, southern sounding name and Michael after my brother in law.

I just love how real you guys are. this post is why you both are my favorite bloggers.
Thank you Cynthia! Thank you for reading, for understanding us and for putting us in your favorites zone!!!!! So awesome to hear!!!
I love how open and honest you both are! The Q + A posts (along with the house updates) posts are my favorite!
Well a house post just might be on the horizon as well! Thank you for being so sweet and supportive!!!
Love these honest posts! You guys are the best.
Fiona, you are the best for saying that!!! Makes us so glad!
Refreshingly honest, real and candid.
And Funny. Thanks girls – there is a reason you are taking the old internet by storm.
Keep it up.
That is so sweet and we appreciate it!!!!!
I lOve how Open and honest you ladies are!! I look forward to reading thr blog during my nighly Bath time 💗
This is a good juicy one for bath time! ha! Thank you!!!
OMG, you both are freaking hilarious! I can’t get enough so I kindly ask that you please blog every. single. day.
We will get right on that!! Ha! Thank you!!!!
for real, such a fun post. y’all are my favorite follow for sure. I even told my husband “my friends, jeni and paige, told me to buy this.” lol thanks!
I love that!!!! Thank you!!
This is the only blog i actually visit versus just checking on IG or LTK. You really are delightfully entertaining 💙
That is very very wonderful to hear! Thank you for reading!!!
You two are seriously… THE GREATEST! Raw honesty…. a blogger rarity. 😉 We’re in a co-parenting situation that is exactly opposite of yours, and it really stinks. I love reading the positive side, even though I know it’s not always easy, because it gives me hope that we can get there someday.
We are hitting up the Bahamas (if the damn hurricanes/tropical storms stop hitting it) in February. It’s already on my list to take the private trip. We can’t freakin wait. Thanks again for being REAL!
Lindsay, that is so nice! We agree, a rarity, which is why we decided to let it all out and who gives a crap anyway! ha! The private trip is where it’s at! Have so much fun and tag us in some pics!!!!