Week one, what a blur. A pain pill and valium induced blur. I remember being exhausted and loopy and as long as I was in bed, the pain was tolerable. I knew this would be one of the hardest things I ever go through physically, so I braced myself for the absolute worse. I needed help doing almost everything.
After a tummy tuck, you can’t stand up straight, the skin is too tight. I shuffled around the house, did my exercise laps around the island and that was about the extent of what my energy level would allow. I figured I would be up editing photos and hanging out, but I was in too bad of shape for much of that at all.

I had a lot of DMs asking all about the surgery. I answered all the questions on instagram story videos to try and give an honest look at the experience while I was in the recovery phase and hadn’t forgotten about the details yet. On day 5 when I did the Q&A video, things were still going pretty smooth, but that wouldn’t last much longer. Week 2, the ish hit the fan, more on that next monday! Here is the video and be warned, I am drugged and still in very good spirits.