My name is Paige, I have no shame and this is my mommy makeover surgery story.
After 4 kids, 160 pounds lost and gained over the course of those pregnancies and nursing each bundle of joy for over a year, let’s just say I was deflated from shoulder to hip. After baby 3, who we thought would be our last, was done nursing, I went in for some breast augmentation consults in 2013. My once amazing boobs were grannyfied. I decided on a breast lift, implants and some lipo on the love handles with Dr. Hackney, who is no longer practicing. I got Mentor 350 cc smooth moderate plus profile silicone boobies with a big old lift. The breast lift I had was the kind that leaves a scar that looks like an anchor. It goes around the nipple, down the boob and up both sides. They looked great and all was well until we decided on one last baby. Yes, Griffin was actually a planned pregnancy believe it or not. And truth be told, Jeni and I may or may not have had a pregnancy pact. Griffin and Hayes, you’re welcome. Maybe because I was 34 this time or maybe because it was the 4th go round, but either way my body took a beating. My boobs just continued to grow and although much improved from what they would have been sans implants, they were looking huge and saggy again. My belly though, was an even bigger problem. I had lost all the weight and gotten pretty slim, but my abs just weren’t even close to flat and the skin floppiness and stretchiness level was a full on nope.

Enter Dr. Steven Camp, my plastic surgeon knight in shining armor. Actually he had entered my life long before this as a photography client first, then he did my melanoma excision surgery, also in 2013 (skin checks everyone!!!), but now he was going to do my big huge mommy makeover surgery!! Would you like to know how much I love him, trust him and respect his work? So much so, that he is the only surgeon I consulted with and was the only one I wanted restoring my hotness.

At the consultation, he assessed my um, situation. We were all (Dr. Camp, nurse, me and my mama) in agreement that I would be a good candidate for the following procedures: breast lift (yes again and yes the big anchor one), implant exchange (way smaller this time), Galaflex mesh internal bra (amen), tummy tuck, diastasis recti (large separation between ab muscles) repair and an umbilical hernia repaired. Oh and lipo, can’t forget about our dear friend lipo, around the tummy tuck area and flanks again (who needs flanks anyway?!).

I left this pre op appointment confident and nervous, excited and impatient. Surgery was scheduled for February 19 and I was going to have to wait almost an entire month and Paige Walker does not do waiting very well.
Stay tuned for part 2 next monday!Â