New Year’s Resolutions 2019

Happy New Year! I just love the feel of a fresh start. I usually stat the year with the best intentions to implement my goals but my follow through is iffy at best. I’m hoping that by putting ours out there for the blog world to read, it will help us be more accountable. We shall see…cheers to 2019, friends!

Jeni’s Goals:

  1. A healthier lifestyle. This one is pretty broad and probably the same as every other resolution-setter. I hate working out and I love to eat junk food. Bad combo. The older I get the more I notice that I just feel blah and need to make some changes. Nick and I are both committed to starting a workout routine a couple times per week and cooking more healthy meals. Wish me luck, this one is going to be the hardest!
  2. Attend Church regularly. We just made a change and switched churches after attending the same one for many years. We love it and the kids love it, but we have been bad about just pressing snooze on Sundays or watching online. I want us to become more involved and make this a priority. I just feel better after church!
  3. Grow the blog. We are having so much fun with this blogging adventure. We truly appreciate you guys for reading and supporting us. It is a fun, creative outlet and I get to spend more time with my bestie, and I’m just loving that!

Paige’s Goals:

  1. High quality H2O. I have this weird semi obsession that drinking water cures so many things. In 2019 I want to drink so much water and be so very hydrated. I’m going to order one or two of these reminder water bottles below to help me get in the chug a lug habit.
  2. Spiritual Growth. Every year we say we want to go to church more, but in all honesty, I’m just not a huge churchy person. I often feel like an uncomfortable outsider and just have never truly vibed with a church. And that is not without some serious effort! Church can seem cliquey, judgey, non diverse and intimidating even when the regulars have the best intentions! So instead of vowing to be there every Sunday, (my work schedule rarely allows that anyway), I want to commit to doing my own personal Bible studies and reading spiritual books, both on Christianity and I am also fascinated by other world religions. I am currently reading, Jesus Among Other Gods, Ravi Zacharias shares his personal journey and conversion to Christianity and compares Jesus to other gods and why He is who He claimed to be. It also urges us to see the teachings of Jesus from the perspective of Jews in that time period versus a 21st century mindset. If this sounds thought provoking or interesting, check it out!
  3. Work/Life balance. I am an entrepreneur. I eat, sleep and breathe business. Does this make me a workaholic? Probably. I have grown my photography business from a tiny one woman operation into one of the highest grossing portrait studios in the US. This little blog here, as much as it’s fun, I set it up with a business mindset and plan before we even typed our first paragraph or set up our social media accounts. Opportunity and luck look a lot like hard work and hard work is something that is in my genetic code. I’m a hustler baby, I just want you to know! ha! That being said, I work from home making it really hard to switch gears from business owner to mom and wife. I recently hired another employee for my photography business which will help me achieve this balance far easier than it was in 2018. Shout out Kendall!!!! And a huge shout out to Lauren who has managed my studio, assisted on shoots and personally assisted me for 6 years. My goal is to be done with computer work when Zach gets home so that we can have family time. Y’all this is huge as I often work late into the night just stopping for dinner, some time with my kids, and a bedtime tuck in. I would also like to reserve at least one weekend a month with no photo sessions to spend the entire weekend with my family.

Let’s do this 2 to the 0 to the 1 to the 9!