So this wish list is just that….A WISH list. I definitely do not expect to get all of the things on this list or even most but I’d be happy as heck to get just one. I usually give my husband a general idea of what I want for Christmas. I would much rather have one nice gift than a few smaller gifts. He appreciates the hints just as much as I appreciate not having to make a return. Sometimes I am sneaky and drop little hints throughout the year other times I am direct and send him a link of exactly what I want in the size and color. If he’s still not taking the bait I put my sister in law in charge and she usually works it all out for me, ha! Please tell me I am not alone in this? Surprises stress me out a bit and I don’t want him splurging on just anything. So go ahead and forward this list to your husband, boyfriend, dad, etc. They will be happy to know they are getting something you will love and you are sure to be happy with any of the gifts below.
one: Lana knows how to do earrings. I have sensitive ears and my Lana hoops are my go-to from casual to dressy. Love these with the diamond detail.
two: Lana Magic Hoop earring. These are very similar to the ones I own and love.
three: simple rose gold eternity band. This would look amazing stacked with other rings or all on its own. Paige: my thoughts exactly! I want to put it with my wedding rings!
four: diamond pendant necklace. Simple and classic whats not to love?!
five: YnM weighted blanket. This is on my list this year. These have been known to help anxiety and promote better sleep. I researched a few brands and settled on this one because it comes in multiple sizes and weights.
six: t-3 interchangeable wand combo. I LOVE my T-3 but I really wish I would’ve spent a little more to get this and have more options.
seven: buDahGirl bangles in rose gold. Swoon. Paige: Swoon.
eight: diamond hoop ring. Love the shape of this!
nine: YSL credit card case. I like a thin, small wallet and this pink is just too fun. Paige: I only have a huge wallet that gets no love due to its gargantuan size. This would be such a great gift from say, Zach or my mom, or maybe all my kids go in on it together you know, with all their tooth fairy earnings. Ok Zach, got that?
ten: a nice pair of classic heels is always a perfect gift. You can’t go wrong with Louboutins or these rockstuds. Paige: Mr. Walker to the Louboutin aisle, Mr. Walker to the Louboutin aisle….your wife wears a 37.5
eleven: barefoot dreams can do no wrong. I would live in this robe if I could.
twelve: gucci crossbody. A perfect everyday bag that goes with everything. Paige: I wear mine almost everyday! The perfect size for someone that doesn’t have a ton of stuff.
thirteen: macbook. I’d love to have this to work on in the comfort of my bed. Right now I have a desktop and this is calling my name.
fourteen: bond no. 9 perfume. On our trip to New York we stopped at Saks. I cannot get the scent of this out of my head. Mr. Mourton I hope you’re reading this. Paige: don’t worry JM, I’ll text him so he can’t mess this up!
fifteen: simplehuman makeup mirror. Have this and love this. Paige: On one hand, this is at the top of my list, on the other hand, I don’t want to see every cell, blemish, wrinkle and hair. Which is actually precisely why it needs to stay on the top of the list.
sixteen: slippers and pjs are always at the top of my list. Eberjey is my favorite brand and feels like butter. I heart a good sleep shirt.
seventeen: dyson cordless vacuum. I have 3 kids. I need this in my life.
eighteen: Sony point and shoot camera. Paige did some research and for the non professional photogs like myself this is the best option. Love the wifi feature.
nineteen: gucci backpack. I’m not totally out of the diaper bag stage but so close. Kids still need a lot of stuff though and this bag would make me happier about carrying it all. Also a great option for travel. Paige: I concur.
twenty: coffee. my name is Jeni and I need coffee to function. This Jura was my present last year and I am so in love. I linked this version too that is less expensive but just as good.
twenty-one: Paige’s pick for coffee. She raves about her Nespresso. Side note from Paige herself: I do absolutely love this thing! I have only had a Keurig up until this Black Friday purchase but this kicks the Keurig in the coffee beans! The milk frother, I will say no more. In all honesty, the sampler pack of pods that came with it were about half awesome and half gag worthy. I’m very picky and if it’s too strong I take 1/3 of a sip and I’m done. There is certainly a reason the Nespresso has a cult following and I may just have to run for secretary.
twenty-two: Nespresso coffe pod drawer.
twenty-three: GG belt. We love ours! Paige: this is my first belt I have worn since my Dr. Marten’s belt I wore daily in high school. I was looking fine in ’99! I love how flattering a belt makes an outfit and pulls it together so well. This is an investment item, but I wear it so often that now if I don’t have the belt on, I not only feel my butt crack sneaking out, I feel like I’m not as pulled together.
And there you go! Now email this list to your loved ones ASAP and have them reference for the next Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary, Valentines Day, Etc. Etc. Etc.

7, 8, 14, and 17 please. 🙂 Amazing round up of really great gifts!