Vacations, swimming, ice cream, siblings arguing, boob sweat, summer camps, tattling, a slower pace, the occasional sunburn. That’s life in June. While whining and overheating are not our favorites, we have found so many things we love this month!
- Pet Water Fountain: Pierre and Waffles may not live in perfect harmony, but they can at least share a beautiful, stainless steel, filtered, LED lit, automatic water fountain. My lazy self loves that you barely have to do anything, it holds 81 ounces which lasts for a while.
- Leave In Conditioning Spray: This $9 spray smells great, is a chemically clean product and can be used on any type of hair. I have one kid with super thick hair, one with curly, one with thin, mine is thick and dry, we need a pretty versatile product. I spray this on my kid’s hair and my hair after washing and it makes it easier to comb through. It’s anti frizz and works as a heat protectant and frizzy fried hair is so 1988.
- Travel Hack Hamper: Y’all know me and my travel hacks! I am not a naturally organized, well put together person. It takes work to make it to mediocre status, so I must find ways to make it easier on myself. We brought this $9 pop up hamper on the Disney cruise. It folds up into a tiny flat thing and we popped it up in the corner of the room. It was so nice to not have clothes and underwear all over the magical stateroom.
- Bum Bum Cream: I’ve already asked Bum Bum Cream’s father for her hand in marriage. I have never found a lotion that I like enough to actually want to put on almost every day. Remember, I’m mediocre with keeping up with things and this applies to my moisturizing routine as well. I walked into the dance studio the other day to pick up Kylie and Aven and not 1, no not even 2, THREE people asked me what I had on that smelled so good. I was there for 10 minutes and on 2 separate occasions someone came by and blatantly sniffed my arm. I was a bum bum cream infomercial on repeat. This tub will last me about three months and it smells like angels eating cake. It feels great on and many reviewers claim it really does smooth their bum bum bumps.
- Cellphone Fan: I can’t think of any reason why every single one of you should not buy this three pack for 10 bucks, give 1 to your favorite sweaty friend and keep one in your purse and one in the car. Never will you need to craft an old school Chinese style paper fan to catch a breeze. This is a summer must have. Plug it into your phone and instant cool. I’ll do a demo on instagram stories at some point today.
- Chi Hairspray: This is my favorite hairspray. It holds really well, smells like a hot guy’s cologne in a subtle kind of way. I use it on each section before curling it with my beloved curling iron and it creates texture and is a great finishing spray too.
- Kerastase Shampoo: The best shampoozle for color treated hoozle. This whole line is the best, but this shampoo is for sure worth the premium $30 price.
- Hair Dryer Brush: If you haven’t already met, allow me to formally introduce you to this one-step wonder of a dryer. I simply could not believe how smooth, volumized and beautiful my hair looked the first time I dried it with this. I can’t juggle a round brush and a dryer worth a flip, but with them combined into one brilliant tool, you too can get as close to a blow out at home as possible. Do not contemplate, I am shouting from the rooftops how much I love this. I use it on all three girls, it makes Kylie’s curly hair straight and silky smooth if she wants that look. I use it in the mornings with a little dry shampoo to make my hair look way better than it should on day (insert embarrassingly long amount of days here) since washing. This is $54 well well well well well well spent.
- Babyfacial Resurfacing Mask: They legit aren’t joking when they named it the Babyfacial. You know that enzyme peel stuff they use in the expensive fancy facials? This does that AND you can use it for week after week after week for less than the price of one single facial. The first time I used the product, I could tell it was strong and it made my face red for a few minutes after applying it. Now that I am used to it, it doesn’t burn so much but I look forward to putting it on every week. It stays on for 20 minutes, you can feel it working and then you rinse it off and you have soft, more youthful looking skin. Allure chose if for the best of beauty award winner in 2017 and I concur. Oh, I almost forgot, it comes with this oil to put on after you rinse it off and it’s awesome!
- Stand Up Desk Converter: My dad warned me (in a 10% joking 90% intervention manner) that I would be using cannabis every waking hour if I was not hooked on pain pills for slumping over a computer editing photos for hours upon hours every day. I already have really bad neck, shoulder and back pain so it was time for a change. I bought this converter so I can stand up and still sit down if I need to. The first day I used it, Zach set it up and I couldn’t figure out how to put it back down and I for real stood up for 18 hours that day. Quasimodo is not goals.
- Everyday Necklace: This Kendra Scott beauty is on me almost every day. I like a necklace that I don’t have to take off much. I like it to be dainty and understated. I like it to be great quality. This checks all of those necklace requirements. The silver is beautiful and has almost a pewter look to it.
- Weights: You know where you will not find me? Up in the gym just working on my fitness. I make it to pilates 2 or 3 times a month but other than that it’s Peleton at home. This weight set and the Peloton instructors is all I need to keep me from making every excuse to work out. You don’t even have to put shoes on, let alone drive anywhere and deal with humans and meatheads screaming with each hoist. $28 and you are one step closer to a vicious bod.
- Piercing Spray: I got my nipples pierced on the Disney Cruise and this spray……did you believe me for a second? Did you gasp and mentally unfriend me? My sweet 10 year old Kylie got her ears pierced recently and the cleaner leaked out everywhere and was just a pain to use. This one is so easy because it sprays with a blast and you can really clean the piercing as it heals.
- Wobble Balance Board: You know what you do with this thing? Here at Dunder Miflin we put these under our stand up desks and wobble from side to side in an attempt to stay anti fatigued. It really is nice though! It’s squishy and feels so much more comfortable than the hard floor and moving around on this is better for you than just shifting your weight from leg to leg as you get your TPS reports done with the best posture in your department. If you are going for the stand up desk, don’t sell yourself short. This makes a big difference.
- Period Proof Panties: When I first saw these being advertised I thought “ew” and “peculiar” and “no”. They went on sale on some weird national menstruation day or some crap, and I got a pair. I skeptically tried them out on a lighter day which led to my immediate purchase of 2 more pairs. I can now say, I have gone through an entire period wearing nothing but these and I don’t know how it works so well. But it works. I am so excited for when my daughter’s have to deal with Flo to have this as an option. If you have super heavy periods, these would be great to wear in case of leaks during the heavier days and just alone on the light days. After all the hilarious horror stories I heard about the period cup, this was a very easy way to ditch the tampons with no learning curve.
- Lip Sleeping Mask: I just saw this on Jeni’s list too lol. I did not know she owned this, let alone had it in the running for a favorite! If my lips are dry or peely that’s all I can think about. This sleeping mask attacks dryness and fine lines. It’s full of all sorts of good stuff and will last me a year probably. A little goes a long way and I have been using it on my girls too and now they ask for it.
- No Hair Pull Goggles: Jeni recommended these and now I am recommending these. Lots of cute colors and prints and no more screaming with a wet knotted mess of hair with goggles dangling off the end.
- THIS IS THE BEST STRAPLESS BRA IN THE WORLD: That needed it’s own caps locked title. Get this bra. Order your normal size. If you don’t want to take my lifted and implanted boob word for it just read the reviews. I don’t even feel like I have a bra on in this, I can jump and move, it doesn’t fall down, it doesn’t need to be constantly tugged at. It’s actually, dare I say, comfortable! It can also be worn as a normal bra, halter style or criss cross in the back. It’s $68 and you need this for all the cute summer tops and dresses.
- FabFitFun: This is my third box and my mind is still absolutely blown on how this is even possible. For $49.99 you get so much amazing loot. It’s not a surprise box of junk either, you get to customize what you want well before the box even ships. There is always a coupon too, this one is for $10 off. My summer box came with $269.95 worth of stuff, GOOD stuff!! I love getting to try full size products and things I may never have even heard of for a fraction of the retail price. Just so you can get an idea of what the boxes have in them, this last one had Sol de Janeiro shower cream (the people who make Bum Bum Cream) in that same dessert of the heavens scent and a mini bum bum cream that I just went digging through the trash to find. When I looked up the list of what was in my box, I panicked when I saw that I hadn’t gotten out the bum bum cream. It was hiding under some crinkle paper shreds and I’m just thankful I wrote this blog tonight so that I could find that before trash day. Phew. It had a black felt letter board that you can stick the little plastic letters into to write messages, a set of two pink silicone wine glasses, a full size black liquid eyeliner, healing balm, a pack of invisibobbles hair ties which are my go to ponytail accessory, a full size brightening clay face mask, a full size Whish exfoliating foot mask, and a full size rose water facial spray!!!!! It’s like Christmas once a season and there are no scrooges allowed.
- Shiseido Eye Cream: Those Korean beauty experts know their stuff. I have gone through so many eye creams looking for one that seemed to do something, anything! I have been using this one for over a month and am a fan girl. You can just feel the difference in this one and it fights crows feet, eye lid aging and under eye wrinkles. I use this at night and I love Saturday Skin for day time! The Shiseido will last a really long time. I haven’t even made a dent and have been using it religiously.
- Mario Party: If you need to kick family game night up a notch this has been my favorite video game since high school. I have so many funny memories of playing this with my friends, good clean fun. My oldest daughter has this now and it’s a great game for all of us! It’s fast paced so the little ones don’t get bored, you use your body to play so you are up and active, there is a lot of teamwork involved and you will for sure laugh and high five your way through it. Highly recommend for gamers, non gamers, grandmas, pre schoolers, date night, a good activity for babysitters to do with the kids, basically it rocks, ok? We play this on the Nintendo switch hooked up to the big tv.
- Wet Brush: We all know about the wet brush by now! Stick with me, this one is different. This one is made for blowdrying your hair. It claimed to dry faster so I tried it out and by golly I think it did. It also feels so good on your scalp, I LOVE it and Presley just asked me to buy her one too so I know it must be good.
- Lip Mask: I’ve seen a few bloggers sing this lip masks’ praises but I was skeptical. I got a sample size and I will most definitely be replenishing. I keep it on my nightstand and apply before bed. Not sticky, moisturizes and smells amazing.
- Wireless Charger: Truth be told I bought this for my husband for Father’s Day but I am really liking it. Its so much more convenient to plop your phone down and save the .16 seconds it takes to plug in that cord.
- KS cuffs: I’ve always been a Kendra Scott fan. This summer line is just so classy. From now until July 31st you can get 15% off all items (except fine jewelry) with code DUPLICATED at check out. Get you some!
- Teleties: I’ve bought the knock offs and I thought those were good. These WIN. I like the small version. My fine hair creases SUPER easily and while I wouldn’t say there is no crease it definitely creases WAY less than any other hair tie. Now if I can just keep up with this 3 pack for more than a week.
- Mom Jeans: I made the leap. I love them. They’re expensive and I have a mom ass but I don’t even care. The first time I wore these Nick and I got in a big ‘ol fight because he looked at me with a “what the heck are you wearing face” I ripped into him and felt anger boiling in my veins. I started my period the next day…oopsie. The second time I wore them you better believe he complimented the heck out of me. Hormones be crazy y’all.
- The BEST facial SPF: I have struggled with melasma for YEARS. My dermatologist has always recommended this for it and this is the first summer I have listened. I’ve been diligent with using it everyday. So far, no melasma. It has a nice tint to it and goes on perfectly under makeup.
- NYX Butter Gloss: One of my very favorite bloggers swears by this stuff & I buy everything she recommends. For under $4 this stuff is legit. The creme brulee is a nice neutral.
- Air Pods: Another gift I bought for the husband that I keep reaching for. I’ve tried cheaper versions of wireless earbuds and they always hurt the inside of my ears. These fit perfectly and allow me to watch my inappropriate reality shows while little ears are around. They don’t need to hear about Shep’s antics or who Katherine slept with that week but I do.
- Pool Bag: Or beach bag, or teacher bag, or sports bag. You get it. I love this carry all. It’s under $25 right now so hurry.
- Butter Bronzer: I am usually perfectly bronzed thanks to my sis in law but I didn’t get a spray tan this week and you wouldn’t know it if you looked at my face, thanks to this stuff. My legs…thats a different story.
- Wedges: These come in lots of different colors and are most definitely the most comfortable “heel” I own.
Click on the picture of the item, or the links in the list to shop. What are you excited to try?

Ohhhhhh! So many fun faves!! That pool bag really is fantastic!
So fabulous! My mom got the pool bag and lurves it!
You both finds such great things! I loved all of this. So many new creams and lotions I have to try!
So much research Addison, we do it for the people. 😉 Thanks for being one of the people!
The Brazilian bum bum cream sounds amazing–lots of great favorites!
It’s amaaaahhhhhzing!
So any great finds!!!