I like the way you work…out…no diggity.

Paige: Hoodle (50% off) | leggings | Sneakers Jeni: Hoodle (50% off) | leggings (40% off) | weights | foam roller

We’ve been asked a time or two what we do to stay in shape. We’ve tried many workouts (at home & in the gym), different diets/fasts, stretches and such and today we are answering your questions about it all….

Favorite Workout?

Jeni: Over the last year I’ve become a huge pilates fan. For me its the perfect mixture of strengthening while improving flexibility. My classes are done on a machine called a reformer. I like that it is low impact and most the the exercises are done while I am laying down…because I’m a lazy like that.

I also really enjoy the peloton app. We have the bike but I gravitate towards the strengthening and stretching classes more often.

Paige: I have the respiratory skills of a catfish flopping on concrete. Major cardio exercises make me dread working out so I have to stick to more strength and stretching based workouts or I simply won’t do it. I love pilates, but it’s expensive and if I have to leave my house for a workout it takes up too much of my time. Time is money, time is precious and time is something I have to manage with some serious intention to get all the work and momming done. Working out at home is what works best for me and my favorite app is Obe Fitness. I did the free trial and loved the pilates, which was something the Peloton app was missing for me. I click the on demand classes, then choose class length based on how much time I have. To be honest, I usually choose 10 minutes and would never choose something over 28 minutes lol. The classes they offer are barre, bounce, boxing, dance, dance HIIT, HIIT, pilates, power, sculpt, strength, stretch, vinyasa yoga and yoga sculpt. Now that’s a line up I can get on board with!

Least Favorite Workout?

Jeni: Ugh anything cardio. I hate it. HATE. IT. I have zero stamina and burn out so fast. Plus I run like a baby giraffe, very unfortunate.

Nick and I also did Crossfit before our wedding. While we were both in the best shape of our lives, I am just not that hard core. Programs like these are not sustainable for me.

Paige: Boxing, running, step aerobics. That’s a no from me dawg.

How often do you workout?

Jeni: Right now my goal is 3 pilates classes a week plus doing something active everyday. This is almost always something small like going on a walk, playing basketball with the kids , or jumping on the trampoline…just something to keep moving.

Paige: I do something physical everyday. I do lunges and frog jumps to and from the laundry room. I do tricep dips on the tub when I’m getting baths ready for kids. I do squats when I take Waffles out to pee. I lift light weights when I need a break from editing. 2-3 days a week I do an actual fitness class on the app. I ain’t no body builder, but it all adds up.

Pilates looks so intimidating. Do you have to go to a 1:1 class to learn the machine first?

Jeni: I think anything new can be intimidating. My sister in law and I did an introductory class where we learned a little about the machine before getting started. This helped a lot. It also helps a ton to have a friend to do it with and laugh when you make mistakes. But honestly, I am still learning and tweaking everyday. The instructors are wonderful and are there to help you along. Get out of your comfort zone and try it out…its really amazing.

Paige: It’s a little weird at first, but so doable! I never really learned the machine, the instructors just show you what to do and tell you how to do it. You can be a complete beginner and be fine!

Do you prefer at home workouts?

Jeni: I love anything efficient so getting a workout in under 30 minutes at home definitely appeals to me! This season of our lives is a busy one and there are so many great apps out there that make getting your workout in attainable when you can’t actually go to the gym.

I also have a newer obsession with foam rolling and I’m definitely only doing that at my house. If you’ve never tried I may I recommend a few of these “stretches” that will most likely bring tears to your eyes and hurt so good.

Click Here to read her post on technique.

Paige: Yes, at home workouts are my jam! Also recently loving foam rolling which can help with muscle tightness and increase range of motion. My hips are so stiff, I have SI joint problems which throws off my whole lower back. If I did this daily, or even every other day, I feel that my entire life would change.

Stretching my hip flexors is so helpful for me. I sit at a desk all day everyday and I hear that extensive sitting is the new smoking. When the hips are in a seated position so often, they tighten, they shorten and they cause a slew of problems that you may not even realize are related.

This may be too hippie dippy for some of y’all, but opening the hips with yoga or stretching is a way to release deep emotions and stress. Stretching the hips away from the fetal position, which is something we may naturally do in stress, can get these emotions unstuck and out of your body.

If you would please excuse me while I go pigeon pose and sob.

What are your fitness goals?

Jeni: My goals are to tone up and build any type of muscle I can. My body doesn’t do that very easily. I remember being in high school and be super jealous of a cheerleader named Brittany with gorgeous calf muscles. Lol. Thats just not going to happen for me. Now my goals are pretty simple. I workout to feel good and stay healthy(ish). I have a lot of hip/lower back pain so strengthening my core is a major goal to help with that.

Paige: Flexibility, health, strength, overall sexiness and confidence.

How are you both so tiny? What do you girls eat?

Jeni: I don’t think I will ever be the type to stick to some type of strict diet or eat the same things every single day. I like variety so it changes all the time. Tonight I had lasagna and salad for dinner. Not the healthiest but dang it was good. I try to eat healthy when I can without depriving myself when I want something that’s not the best for me. I have a sweet tooth and a bedroom drawer full of candy but I can make that candy last a long time. I try to stop eating when I’m full and not overindulge. Unless its chips, queso and margaritas because then I’m overindulging. Duh.

Paige: I try not to eat much. I am so guilty of overeating. Intermittent fasting is about the only way I can stay this small and I’m up 5 lbs from corona snacking. Diet is so much of staying trim and it sucks, but it is what it is.

Best leg toners without going to a weight room?

Jeni: I’m a fan of just plain ol lunges and squats. They work.

Paige: wall sits, lunges, squats and calf raises are my go to.

The best yoga studio in Fort Worth

Core Power for sculpt

The Sanctuary Room

I’ve heard great things about Zen, Indigo, Soul Sweat

Favorite workout clothing?

Jeni: Lululemon pants are hard to beat. Nothing sucks in all in and makes it look smooth like their pants do. Their price tag sucks though. I have found a few cheaper options that I like just not as well.

Paige: I love Lulu and these athleta legging options. Worth the price, feel like butter. These tanks are bomb too.

I wear a 4 in anything Lulu and a small in all the others. I’m 5’4″ and 119lbs.

Miggle is a workout nut and he suggests these for your men. He swims and works out in these shorts, they look great and seem very versatile. He has great taste, is very picky with a hint of boujee so anything he recommends has to be good!

He also can’t stop talking about this foam roller that vibrates and helps you recover faster. The massage tool he raved about and is apparently way cheaper than when he bought it.

Favorite workout shoes?

Jeni: Pilates is done barefoot but these nikes are my most comfortable right now! I love all of the different color options and many of them are on sale!

Paige: I’m really surprised how much I love the GG running shoes. Very comfortable for walking all day as well as these nikes! When I work out I don’t even wear shoes though.

Another huge goal for me is to hydrate! These water bottles help so much!