Now, I’m not a doctor, and I’m not an expert, but I’m juuuuuuuust saying that you may want to take a look at the little graphic I created below and see if you qualify to begin treatment. I’ll give you a minute to look it over. Then I’ll give you another minute or two to process.

If this extremely scientific diagnostic tool has you thinking you may be ready, here is a little peek into the botox appointment that Jeni and I had the other day at Dr. Camp’s office!
First thing’s first, before pictures! Liz, our injector, had us stand in the light and turn different ways and make different facial expressions to get a good look at the wrinkles.

Jeni went first. She likes to get the forehead, glabellar lines between the eyebrows and sometimes the crow’s feet done. This time she went for all of the above and added in the chin area to reduce the orange peel dimpling look and the line that goes across your chin under your lower lip. This was her first time to try the chin botox, more on that later.

Bottom left: squeezing a breast implant as a distraction
Bottom right: the gold wand vibrates and helps you to not feel the injections as much
Jeni did great, didn’t experience much pain at all and didn’t bruise! It only takes a few minutes and is no worse than any teeny tiny injection that you have felt before with a flu shot or blood draw.
My turn! I opted for my usual (forehead, between the eyebrows, crow’s feet) and also decided to add in the chin.

Everything was quick and easy, I did bruise pretty bad in 2 spots in the crow’s feet area though. I seem to always have a little bruise or two. Also in the top right image, you can see how the injection sites lump up. This is very temporary and only lasts for a couple of minutes. Unless you get a random bruise like I did, there is no down time and you could easily do this on your lunch break and no one would know.

A little ice and we were on our way! Well, almost on our way…

Botox Q&A from our Instagram pals!

We asked for Botox questions on instagram today and there were some great ones! If you have a question that wasn’t answered here, leave it in the comments and one of us will respond!
Before we begin, botox and filler are VERY different! People use the terms interchangeably and they are not the same product. Botox reduces how much the facial muscles that are causing wrinkles can move. They do not “fill” up anything in your face, they simply relax the muscles. Fillers, like Juvederm, actually fill up the face with collagen to get a more plump look. Those are used in lips like Kylie Jenner’s most often as well as cheeks, and other areas of the face.
Q: Why start so young? I’m more of a take care of your skin and age gracefully type so it really fascinates me to hear a different point of view.
A: I started botox in my late 20s when I began to really notice the frown lines in between my eyebrows. I would go outside and any amount of squinting would result in deep lines that would take a while to smooth back out. Jeni started when she was 30 with her forehead and frown lines as well. I would say I have good skin overall, I use high quality products, exfoliate every now and then (not nearly as often as I should) and get fairly regular facials. There just came a point where I was becoming self conscious about the lines and wanted to stop them from forming deeper and deeper as more of a preventative measure than anything else. Some of my friends didn’t start botox until their mid 30s and some haven’t done it at all. The way my eyes wrinkle up when I smile also creates pretty intense crow’s feet and I would rather those not become really set in if I can help it! I really like both angles, the skin care/sunscreen/taking care of your face, as well as the Botox.
Q: Make your eyes water kind of hurt, or stepped on a LEGO kind of hurt?
A: Botox pain is seriously minor! Just a tiny pinch, the weird part though is when you can occasionally hear a bizarre crunching sound.
Q: How many units is average?
A: I just got 52 units and Jeni got 48. She only had one crow’s foot to inject. At first we heard that many units and cussed. Then we were told the standard recommendation for those 3 muscle groups (frontalis, glabella and crows) is 64 units, but each patient is different based on their anatomy and movement.
Q: How many sessions until you see results?
A: The best part is that it only takes about a week for the full results after every treatment! You can try it, see if you like it and if not, it’s gone in a few months. If you love it, you just go back whenever you notice yourself looking all wrinkly again!
Q: How bad does it hurt?
A: Common question! ha! Not bad!! This is the easiest and least painful cosmetic treatment I have had that has the biggest impact!
Q: Do you always have bruises? Just around your eyes?
A: There have been a few times that I have not bruised at all! Usually the bruise is about the size of a pencil eraser. This time something was going on with me because the bruises are pretty large and on the outside of each eye. I have also had a tiny little bruise on my forehead before, but nowhere else.
S: Why the S? Because this is a statement. Y’all need to try Botox in the corners of your mouth! Addicting there too!
R: (for response ha) You don’t have to tell me twice! I’ll try that at my next appointment! Botox in the corners of your mouth can correct a down turned smile and help with marionette lines which I am currently trying to decide what the heck to do with mine.
Q: What would you do first?
A: The normal “gateway” area to get you hooked on Botox is the forehead and frown lines in between the eyes. That is where I started and never turned back.
Q: How often do you get it? How old are you both?
A: Botox metabolizes at different rates on different people, I feel like mine is basically gone in 3 months. I probably only get it about 3 times a year though so I stretch it out a little in between appointments. I am 36 and will be 37 in January and Jeni is far older than me and already 37.
Q: Price per unit?
A: The average cost is about $10-$12 per unit and with Jeni and I getting around 50 units each it can get pricey! This is why I am so happy that Dr. Camp offers the subscription option! It discounts services 15% and then divides the total cost over the recommended treatment period. Not paying an enormous chunk all at once makes me feel much better!
Q: How can women have a more open and honest conversation about getting Botox?
A: I’m afraid that I am missing the part of the brain that makes one care about talking about potentially embarrassing or taboo things. Keeping the lines of communication open with my friends about what I am wanting to try can help them to feel like they can give me their input and share their experiences as well. I think as long as you are open about any cosmetic procedure you are interested in and talk about it in a casual, no-big-deal kind of way, I find that so many women are curious or eager to talk about these things! So many of us are doing it and I honestly think it’s so much more awkward and embarrassing to act like you had nothing done or that you have a perfectly smooth forehead at 40 naturally. Let’s own it ladies! Okurrrrrrr!
Q: What are the long term side effects?
A: Don’t know. Don’t want to know. haha just kidding! The doses are so small and Botox is considered safe overall. I do feel like it is important to go to a plastic surgeon or dermatologist to make sure you are in the best hands. Since Botox is a fairly new treatment, there isn’t a ton of long term safety research. A 2015 study concluded that the risk of adverse effects did not increase over time. Of course with any procedure there are benefits and risks that you have to assess and decide on what is best for you!


I am loving yalls blog! Lots of different stuff than i see on all tHe other blogs and you both are stunning. I already do the botox, but im curious about fillers and if Either of you do that yet? Yall both have great lips!
So happy to hear that feedback and exactly what we set out to do!!! Thank you! I have done fillers in my lips a few times and got filler in one cheek in august to see if it would help my marionette lines. It didn’t really so I wouldn’t do that again. I do like the lip filler in a very subtle non real housewives way. Jeni and I are going to try out some filler in January and will report back!