Day in the Life

JM: Not really sure how exciting this post will be with COVID and all but you guys asked for it so here we go.

Woke up around 8:30 and it felt glorious! I could hear the boys playing upstairs so I got my coffee and got back in bed. This blanket is every bit as good as everyone says it is. Worth the many pennies.

Went upstairs to wake up Presley and check on this guy and he had built yet another fort. I bought this fort building kit years ago for the kids. They discovered it again after emptying out our storage units and they have gotten a lot of use since.

Laundry time. I bought some new towels and washcloths that had great reviews on amazon.

Both of my kids had their last day of school today. They each received character awards that made me so very proud. I cannot believe I now have a 4th and 6th grader.

Alllll the organizing is happening at my house right now. Those gold hangers sure do look pretty. I finished up my jeans and dresses.

Presley loves to organize just as much as I do. I got my bathroom sink categorized into face, body and hair with these bins. I love how they stack. P put all of our manicure goodies in this caddy.

Tomorrow we drop off all of the kids school supplies so we organized those. Distance learning is over. And alllll the mamas said AMEN. God bless the teachers, that was rough.

The girls headed to the store. P is v serious about mask wearing and sanitizing I love bringing her along though because she always picks out the best treats.

Nick and Hayes did some work on the skid steer. He is one happy kid.

I checked on my garden before starting dinner. I see some teeny tiny jalapeños starting to sprout.

Spaghetti is cooking and more laundry. Those are my favorite sheets!

She chatted with me while setting the table and we talked about how crazy it is to say she’s a FOURTH GRADER. Where did my baby go?!?!

This dog really loves the golf course. Get back here CAVI.

Added this to Amazon cart to try to solve my puppy escape artist problem.

Summer bath.

And bedtime snacks.

One down and two to go. This girl keeps trying to steal my blanket. I don’t blame her.

Catching up on this and I’m off to bed. If you haven’t seen this show you need to watch it. So GOOD.

Well that’s all for me on this Wednesday! Super exciting stuff, I know ;). Thanks for reading along.

PW: My life should be a reality show. IRL OMG LOL JK. Sometimes, it really should be though. We are going to try and do these posts more often because we always get requests and good feedback. We are here for the people and listening to your suggestions. I’m a 2020 president candidate, for my TikTok squad, you know.

Good morning. Except not. I have been sleeping terrible for what seems like weeks. I wake up randomly and do work/research/reading in the middle of the night way too often. I go in weird phases like this and I think I almost psych myself out once it has happened a few nights in a row and it just keeps on. Melatonin helps, but then I sign myself up for bizarre and disturbing vivid dreams, so I have to weigh the options. 4:56, after going to sleep at like 1am. Not my fav. Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the most beautiful boy in the world that only loves my bed and his mama I’m sorry.

So what’s a girl to do? I bailed and went into Griffin’s empty bed to sleep for a few more hours. SCORE!

As usual, I head straight to the Keurig. My mom got me this get shit done mug because she knows me well.

I got dressed, probably got carried away doing useless stuff on my phone and had some cinnamon rolls, you know for that low carb lifestyle I lead.

Aven is up! Hey girl heyyyyyyyy. This means she will give me about 1-2 minutes until she is asking to go outside and play with her friends and ride her bike. I almost never see her anymore and she is end of summer tan. Being out of school and with her favorite neighborhood buddies has been the highlight of her life.

Kylie! Wake up! Pull yourself together! You have a zoom call in 20 minutes. And yes, she is a true boujee princess and has slept with a sleeping mask on since she was a preschooler.

Time to get some Paige Walker Photography work done. My accountant emailed and was in shock about how low the income was for last month. No Richard that’s not a mistake, the rona has hit my finances hard. I’m thrilled to be back at it!!

Moving on to get some Style Duplicated work done too. I want this hat. Yes, I still use Pandora. I tried Spotify, but couldn’t get into it. Hunting for things and linking them takes way more time than I ever imagined.

My first hair appointment in so long was at noon. I always bring my entire office setup and Vanessa just deals with me so nicely. I have cords, bags, computer accessories and she pulls out the power strip and knows my ways. Enneagram 3 problems. I was getting my bag together and realized I was missing an important. piece of my mobile office equipment! I called Zach and had him open the garage from his phone (Conan Obrian year 2000 ish) so I could see if it was in my old office.

I walked around and marveled at the stunning home that I spent countless hours designing and will never live in. Pour out a little liquor, get over yourself Paige and be so happy for Zach that he gets to live there and the kids get to spend lots of time there too. haha Zach if you are reading this, I’m just messing with you, you know I love you boiii, let’s at least throw some bitchin’ ragers over there or something lol.

Got what I came here for. Deuces, I’m out!

New salon rules: put on a mask, wait for your stylist to get you, get a temp check, wash hands, go in their room, shut door.

How cute is Vanessa?! I love her.

Phase 1 of hair: color and cut the alarming damaged part off. Phase 2 is on Sunday and will be a Brazilian blow out and putting my extensions back in. I know many of you like my short hair, I appreciate that and noted, but I want my long hair back. For now at least.

Still there. Working. Talking about life. Working more. Talking more.

3:45, finally done. Take a good look at my shorter hair that is so cutely styled because I won’t be able to recreate this look again. I wish I had Vanessa to style me daily.

Came home super hungry and favored Doc B’s. We love Doc B’s. Except Griffin, he bawled when he heard I didn’t order McDonalds. Aven, Kylie and I waited super impatiently.

YAAAAAAS to the Queeeeen.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang again and this time it was a Tiff’s Treats delivery. Emily’s boyfriend Blake is earning all sorts of points with her mean, strict and scary boss.

When I get so tired and run down like this, my eyes start twitching and I can feel myself shutting down. I had to try and take a nap before work.

Keyword: try. I usually fail at naps. My brain does not shut off. It’s a love/hate relationship between me and my brain.

Got ready for my shoots and had to run by the studio to get a chair. Unruly 2 year olds like chairs. I’ve learned a million things in my 10 years in business and I have all the tricks and back up plans for the back up plans.

Got there early enough to test the light, make sure the location was good and be happily waiting on my first client.

For all my fellow photo nerds out there, I love to shoot with my 200mm f2. To all your non photo nerds, that huge lens is the reason I have to be so far away from the subject.

Three shoots done and wrapped up in an hour. Not bad. My ride or die Lauren and I got it goin’ on.

I made it home in time for some Griffin snuggles and to watch some of an awful low budget excuse for a show with him.

Waffles really wanted to play, I can only do so many things at once homegirl!

Here is that show. A home video type discount sonic the hedgehog joint. I’m sure they are laughing in their mansion at all of us commoners watching their content. Well played.

Drying Blake’s hair. She has no patience for it, so I try to just get the top parts smoothish.

Emily, my nanny/life assistant spends the night here a lot. She lives with her parents so it’s fun for her to stay here and we can always find something fun to do like learning TikTok dances or watching 90 day fiancĂ©.

One of my besties Arden and I switched out kids. Kylie stayed at her house with Parker and Lake stayed here with Aven. They had so much fun and were LOUDLY laughing until the wee hours.

Time to get ready for bed. I wouldn’t be asleep for many more hours, but the effort to get to bed at a decent time was there.