We are excited about linking up with our friends Shay and Erika this week for Let’s Look…this month its all about our favorite shows!
We love a good show to binge. Jeni sticks with mindless reality TV with an occasional drama thrown in as long as it isn’t too anxiety inducing. Paige loves a good intellectual, crime or conspiracy theory documentary with some trashy tv on the side.

And for any binge session you definitely need the proper attire. MUST BE COMFY! Below you can shop our coziest looks by clicking on any picture. We found some of our favorite brands (Wildfox and Chaser) at some crazy good prices.
Without further ado, here are our top binge-worthy shows:
Southern Charm: Based on a bunch of singles that live in Charleston, SC this show is reality tv gold. Drama mixed with southern hospitality in picturesque South Carolina. I’ve watched since the very beginning when I saw Cameran’s familiar face from the Real World San Diego. I am pretty sure her and Chelsea would be fast friends with me and Paige. They are definitely my favorites of the bunch. The guys in the group remind me of 30somethings that are stuck in their college frat boy glory days. Shep, I’m talking to you. It’s not cute anymore!

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: My favorite of the Housewives franchise. The drama and the money are off the charts. Kyle and Erika are my favorites. I really liked Teddi last season but she seems to always be stirring the pot now. Dorrit???!!! I just can’t figure her or her accent out. Very perplexing.

The Handmaids Tale: I recently started this series and I need A LOT of mindless TV after each episode. It’s heavy. I should probably just quit watching but it sucks you in and now I must keep on keeping on to make sure this lady makes it out of this crazy situation and finds her daughter. The plot goes something like this…The birthrate falls in the US and there is a second Civil War of some sort. Gilead becomes what is now the US and women are considered property of the state. The fertile women are forced into child-bearing slavery and its as messed up as it sounds. Surely this show will have a good ending, right????

Survivor: This is our family favorite! For the past three seasons this has become the show that our family watches together. The kids really get into it and cannot wait for a new season to begin.

The Bachelor/The Bachelorette: I have watched since the very first episode and every single episode since. The older I get the more eye roll inducing it becomes BUT I still watch. I just can’t quit you, Bachelor.

My must see documentary list is a mile long and will need it’s own post. The most recent binge-ables I have gotten into are all over the map.
Bachelor in Paradise: I’ve watched every episode of every bachelor/bachelorette series excluding Alex Michel’s season. What I love about paradise is that the villains get a chance to redeem themselves and the crazy can only be concealed for so long on the island of love. With so many couples forming, you really get a feel for these people’s true colors.

If you are familiar with the show and are watching this season, here is my sophomoric commentary on the current cast:
Annaliese: I feel sadness for her. She wants to be married so bad. What is going wrong here? At 35 years old, she needs to move past the bachelor franchise and just not show up to paradise again please.
Bibiana: No opinion. I know she can’t help it, but her name makes me feel uncomfy.
Blake: I am so over him. In fact, I’m grossed out. Stop having sex with everyone, stop DMing everyone, stop using the same twirl dancing moves as your pick up line and stop acting like you are such a good guy. You are not. What is sad is that you really think you are. Becca dodged a bullet.
Caelynn: Cute and pretty cool. I love her with Mike. Doubt it lasts, but would be a lot cooler if it did.
Cam: I gave him the benefit of the Aggie doubt. He then pulled the really weird and lame sob story about having to re-home a puppy when he had a hurt leg or some crap. I thought he was weird after that. Last night the letter he wrote Caelynn made me literally cringe. What are you doing dude?! Then sobbing into the camera about wanting to marry her and call their parents and have babies and all that junk. He is worse than a stage 5 girl. Get whatever pseudo swag you had back and get back out there. No more sulking in the ocean, not a good look. Put on your big girl panties, put your hair in a messy bun, put on some gangster rap and handle it (or whatever those ridiculous t shirts say.) And don’t forget to A.B.C. except don’t be your full self because it’s whiny and overly emotional.
Chris: I like. He is old for this, but seems mature and a potential good catch.
Clay: Unsure. Seems ready to move on but Annaliese sure did throw an overly emotional fit about it.
Demi: Paradise needs her as many seasons as she will sign up for. Good one liners, tells it how it is even at the risk of looking heartless and trashy. I see in the previews she falls in love with a girl so I’m thinking it goes south for she and Derek.
Derek: meh.
Dylan: What a doll. Hannah is not quite who I was hoping she was.
Hannah: A bit bland in the personality department and a ruthless man eater. She is very cute, but I’m always left wishing she had more to offer us viewers.
Jane: I am unsure of who this is.
JPJ: YAAAAAAS Queen. LOL at when he barfed the taco. LOL just at him in general. He is reality TV gold.
Jordan: I’m glad to see the resident Zoolander back in action. I really wanted his engagement to work out. He also has the best commentary. Love him.
Katie: She has the best eye and skin tone combo of all time. When Wills made a pass and she bawled, I tried to send her Zoloft vibes telepathically. That response didn’t seem to match the scenario.
Onyeka: Doesn’t seem to be mean or annoying anymore! Yay!
Sydney: Again, I’m not sure you have graced my TV screen. Maybe I’m mistaken.
Tayshia: Love her!!! I love how she saw through dirty Blake. I want her to find so much happiness!
Wills: The chillest with a wardrobe that brings the party. He keeps striking out. I hope someone comes in and shakes things up and he gets to stay!
Kevin: Unfamiliar.
Kristina: Resident Russian hottie. Feisty and takes no BS. Please continue to call out Blake and sound the warning alarms.
Mike: CUTEST! How does it feel that everyone loves you? You are probably going to be the next bachelor if you play your cards even kind of right here. Unless the date with Caelynn really was your last first date and she really is your third queen.
Nicole: I think I like her ok. She and Clay are cute together. She can keep bringing the Miami heat.
The Hills New Beginnings: The rest is still unwritten, but at least we are getting to catch up with some of our Hill’s favorites! I love this show because I watched the original Hills religiously. Everyone my age did. Now to see them experiencing divorce, addiction, parenting and business struggles just like the rest of us who emerged into adulthood watching them is pure entertainment. I hope they film more seasons of this, we need Pratt Daddy Crystals, Justin Bobby and Brody Jenner in our lives.

Last Chance U: A Netflix docuseries that follows Coach Jason Brown and his Independence Community College football program. I have seen all 4 seasons and have loved each one. For many of these guys, Independence, Kansas is their absolute last chance. Known for a rehab program of sorts, Coach Brown takes D1 caliber athletes and some that have been kicked out of D1 programs and gives them hope. His record of getting players big scholarships after their time with him is impressive. His season record, however, not so strong this time around. Coach Brown is synonymous with cussing, 90s hip hop references and a hot temper. Not who I would want leading my son one day, but makes for damn good TV. Start with season 1 and binge them all, seasons 1 and 2 highlight East Mississippi Community College and Coach Buddy Stephens and are just as good!

This is Us: The only scripted drama I can deal with. It took me a few episodes to get over the fact that it’s actors, none of this happened and actually just get into the story lines. My love for documentaries and real accounts of real events just runs so deep! I have fallen hard for this series though and it even pulls at my frozen heart strings.

What are you binging lately? Let us know what we should add to our list in the comments!

ShAre your favorite documentAries! Documentaries are my FAVORITES too! And investigation discovery!
I will do a whole blog on it soon!
I do like last chance u…and i’m scared to watch the handmaid’s tale. 😉
I feel you on the fear. Handmaid’s tale is calling my name though.
Just finished OITNB- kind of glad it is over because there were a lot of slow seasons, but i think it ended well.
the office- yes, I’m super late to the party, but it’s funny.
real housewives- love it so much, but i hate to admit, i think im getting tired of it.
I gave up on housewives, they scream a lot, I don’t do women screaming too well.
The comfy outfits you shared look amazing! I want every piece of clothing! So cute!
If there is one thing we are good at, it’s shopping! haha!
Paige, have you watched “The Family” on netflix?
*not sure why i can’t get the caps lock off on my keyboard – i don’t mean to yell 🙂
I haven’t and I am super intrigued. Googling.
Cute headboard! Where’s it from?
I think Wayfair maybe, if you search master bedroom I did a whole post on it and linked everything. Thanks!!!