At Home Teeth Whitening…Does it Work?

We have been using Smile Brilliant’s teeth whitening system for a few weeks now and we are both loving the results.

The process has been super simple with professional results. Our box arrived looking exactly as pictured above.

We very easily, with a pleasantly low amount of gags, made our impressions and sent them off. Our custom trays arrived quickly after. We felt like dentists mixing the paste and taking the impressions. Lifelong dream: check!

Paige’s Review:

My teeth do not like to be white. Their inner equine tries to shine through. I have to really keep up with a whitening system for it to have good results.

Add in the 2+ cups of coffee I have in the mornings, that sometimes turns into 3 or 4 cups by the time I have finished all of my work, and it’s a recipe for a corn kernel smile.

When I see photos of myself, I can sometimes relate to the handsome fella below.

Not anymore Mr. Ed!

Previous Whitening Experience:

I have tried in-office whitening before and it was one of the top 10 worse experiences of my life. I honestly would birth another baby before I sat in that torture chair again. Tiny burning explosions were going off in each tooth, almost like electric shocks. And guess what? My teeth were as white as can be for about two or three days. That’s it. They started going back to their normal color so fast. The whitening gel they sent home helped, but still all of that pain and hundreds upon hundreds of dollars for lackluster short term results.

How painful was it you ask?

The dentist called me in intenste pain medication. When I got to the pharmacy to pick up the prescription, I was so frazzled and hurting that I locked my keys in my car. It even hurt to hear certain sounds if that even makes sense. For example, a hanger scratching against the metal pole in the closet made me cringe in pain. My jaw was so sore that I couldn’t comfortably eat for entirely too long and my tooth sensitivity was so off the charts that even talking was painful.

Smile Brilliant Whitening Experience:

This brings me to my current experience with Smile Brilliant. Inside the kit were my trays, a bunch of whitening syringes and a bunch of desensitizing syringes. Here we go again, I thought. We were instructed to put the whitening on first for 45 minutes the first time and then work our way up. Then, if we were experiencing sensitivity to put the desensitizing gel in the trays and wear those for 20 minutes.

I am pleased to say, I never once had to use the desensitizing gel and I felt no pain whatsoever!

It takes about 7-14 applications to remove all the stains off of your teeth and I have only done 7 so far. I have tons of whitening gel left so I will be able to keep using it until it expires in 2 years. YESSSS!

I always say, you are your brand. I don’t want any part of my brand to be hillbilly teeth. This was the best whitening gel I have tried, the least painful and had the fastest and whitest results. What a great find!

Jeni’s Review:

My teeth are naturally pretty white. I have done zoom whitening twice and that was two times too many. The first time 13+ years ago and the second around 2 years ago. While it wasn’t as horrific as Paige’s experience, I too would choose childbirth over this type of whitening. My dentist called the painful explosions zingers and my mouth was ZINGING. Imagine all the nerves in your teeth being exposed and then someone pouring cold water over them. Not fun. I was more prepared the second time and chose to only do half of the recommended sessions and promptly popped a pain pill as soon as I got home. A pain pill that was left over from…you guess it… childbirth. White teeth are not worth this nonsense.

I swore I’d never try this method again and went to grocery store strips every so often and they managed to get the job done well enough but still caused me some sensitivity.

Smile Brilliant Whitening Experience:

I am really happy with Smile Brilliant. I too am a major coffee lover and started to notice it taking a bit of a toll on my teeth.

I started out using my trays for the recommended 45 minutes and I had ZERO sensitivity. This was a first for me, I have always had sensitivity with any type of whitening treatment.

As I worked my way up to longer treatment times I did have a few “zingers”. It was nice to have the option to use the desensitizing gel. It kind of felt like a cooling gel for your teeth. Ahhh sweet relief.

The custom trays are so much better than I anticipated. They are exactly like the ones my dentist sent me home with that cost a good three times as much.

I am one happy customer.

So if you’re pearly whites could be a little whiter we totally recommend checking out Smile Brilliant’s whitening system.

One lucky reader can score this amazing whitening system for FREE! It’s super simple to enter just follow the directions in the link below…good luck!!

Also Smile Brilliant is offering 15% off storewide using our code styleduplicated15 at checkout. Happy Whitening!

Tooth Whitening Gel